Sunday, October 2, 2011

Halloweve Results (Saturday, October 1, 2011)

Good evening, and welcome to the Peach State Gardening Network, or at least that might be what both Griffin and Brute might have you believe after some of their words this week.

But enough of that, we are here at Dixieland for their opening night of their super scary Halloweve. Three haunted houses...Last Call, The Farm, and Cistern 2: Clown Apocalypse...hey...that must be where that clown came Dark Intentions, a hay ride into horror. I got a behind the scenes tour of them all earlier today, and let me tell you, I can't wait until I get to see them in the dark right after the show tonight. I love this time of the year.

This is also the first evening that it is actually chilly outside. We do have a heater, but they have my little table on the opposite end of room from where it is, so I'm in my jacket while I type this. Tomorrow it's supposed to be in the 30's. Apparently we skipped Fall and moved directly into Winter.

Welcome to Georgia.

The first match was a Peach State first. A Falls Count Anywhere Match, featuring three competitors...Scott King,  Johnny Zero, and Finn Cambridge. Curtis Durrington was originally in this match, but he didn't show up tonight, so it was down to three. Scott pulled a no show at the last event, and the other two are new, but I still don't know what their entrance music is, because this match never even made it into the warehouse. It started out by one of the haunted houses...the Clown Apocalypse, so as a group of people, a mess of psychotic clowns, and one very tall monster who they told me was named Bob, as Finn Cambridge hit Scott King with a giant mallet, something he obviously picked up in the clown house. King went down hard. Cambridge immediately went for a pin.

At this point I should tell you that Matt is not refereeing tonight. Instead, Natalie is getting a chance to tryout as a ref, while Matt still recovers from that vicious blow to his head by Kidd Kaboom. Tara got tagged good by the blow, but Matt got tagged more, so he's out for the month, and Natalie is stepping in.

Natalie drops down and counts the pinfall, and Scott King was eliminated. Finn looked around, looking for the rest of the opponents, and then he hears a yell, as Johnny Zero had climbed to the top of the overhang of the haunted house, a giant clown face. He stands on the tip of the giant red nose, and leapt off of it, going for a huge high flying move, but Finn dives out of the way of it, and Finn goes splat on a grassy patch of ground. He struggles to get up, but as soon as he does, Cambridge is right there, butterflying Zero's arms, and then flips him around, slamming him face first into the ground with a move he calls Finnito, and so it was, as he covered Zero and picked up a three count.

Finn Cambridge picked up his first victory here in Peach State in decisive fashion, beating two opponents in the first match of it's kind in Peach State, but what happened next didn't leave Finn celebrating, because as Natalie raised his hand, he turned toward the crowd that had gathered, and was met with a pie in the face.

That's right, I said a giant whip cream filled pie. Finn dropped his hands and slowly wiped the whip cream out of his eyes, only to see that freakin' huge clown that was hanging around at the last show. He was over 300lbs easily, and he had a smile on his face. Finn couldn't protect himself as the clown delivered a huge big boot to his head, flipping Finn over and landing on the ground hard, holding his head.

The clown bent down and wiggled his fingers in a waving motion, before getting up and skipping away. Yes, I said skipping away. I've since learned that this guy never worked here at Dixieland. He was signed a few weeks ago to a freakin' wrestling contract. His name is Mr. Krinkle, and he does absolutely nothing for my fear of clowns, and I already know that based off what happened here tonight, Mr. Krinkle will be making his Peach State wrestling debut at November's show, No Escape, but it will be against the man he attacked tonight, Finn Cambridge.

Our main event was changed to Jace Parker Davidson versus Brute Svenson, simply because of the back and fourth these two have had with each other all month. Although, I personally think that it might have been a way of appeasing Jace, seeing he wanted a shot at Kid Kaboom after Kaboom attacked his wife last month, and was denied. Not that I think this is much of an appeasement, but Jace likes to be in the spotlight, so Jace isn't going to turn down the shot at the Main Event, but that also meant that the tag team match got the second spot of the night.

Griffin Hawkins came down to the ring, with his music, "Back in the Saddle" by Sebastian Bach and Axl Rose, blaring over the loud speakers. Most of the crowd really doesn't like him, but he plays it up like he's their #1 guy. There are a few people who do like him though, maybe because they just like to cheer for the bad guys, or maybe because it's becoming increasingly harder to figure out who the good guys are. He climbed into the ring and twirled around, before waiting for her partner.

"Oh Canada" by Classified begins to play and out comes Chris Jacobs. Chris Jacobs hasn't done much of anything since joining Peach State. He came in with a lot of press. A big star around the world, and when he came in with the Young Lions, they had the makings to dominate. But it just hasn't happened. Last month, Scott King pulled a no show, and lost in a matter of a few minutes in tonight's opening match, and Jacobs hasn't won a match yet either. The one exception to this is Brute Svenson, who will be in the main event against Jace Parker Davidson, who had a pretty impressive debut last week, beating both Whirlwind and the man who is Jacobs's partner...Griffin Hawkins, in a triple threat match. Regardless of all that, it will be very interesting to see how the two of these guys work together, as they don't like each other.

Then came "Dirty Dancer" by Enrique Iglesias ft. Usher, and out came the Peach State Tag Team Champions...Tara Michaels-Davidson and Tristian Michaels! The crowd actually cheered for them. Tristian has always been a favorite of the crowd, but after Tara's attack by Kaboom, the crowd has seemed to automatically support her with this whole thing, whether Tara wants them to or not. The two sisters climb into the ring, the belts around their waist. Griffin says something across the ring to the two sisters, and both of them just look at each other and shake their head. No telling what it was, but from the look on Natalie's expression, it probably wasn't the sweetest thing. 

Tara starts the match off, stretching on the ropes, while Griffin and Chris stare at each other, wondering who will start the match off first. Griffin finally waves his hands, and tells Jacobs he can start, but first Griffin actually walks over and tries to shake Tara's hand. Tara stares at him, and shakes his head. Griffin smiles, and then suddenly turns and catches Jacobs with a huge superkick. Jacobs's head snaps back and he collapses to the mat. Griffin turns and winks at Tara, before sliding out of the ring, leaving Jacobs completely prone. Tara looks back at Tristian, but then covers Jacobs. Natalie drops down and counts the three.

Tara and Tristian are handed their belts, without even breaking a sweat. The two of them leave the ring, heading toward the back, while Griffin slides back into the ring. Natalie tells him to get out, but Griffin completely ignores her, and drives several stomps into Jacobs. Suddenly, the crowd murmurs as the giant, Brute Svenson walks out of the entrance and comes down the aisle. Natalie, smartly, backs away, as Griffin holds up Jacobs for Brute to see, as he pounds on him with several rights and lefts. Brute climbs up to the apron, and as he climbs into the ring, Griffin rushes over and attacks him, hammering him with rights and lefts, but Brute shoves him backwards, and Griffin drops to the mat, rolling to his feet, as Brute is now in the ring.

Griffin rushes him, driving his shoulder into Brute, but Griffin drops backwards again from the impact. Brute grabs ahold of Griffin again, and nails him with a huge chop. Griffin staggers backwards, as behind him, Chris Jacobs, pissed off, begins to stand. Griffin turns around, and Jacobs turns and nails him with a punch. Griffin flips around, and Brute leaps up, going for a huge big boot, but Griffin drops to the mat, and the boot catches Jacobs's head, and snaps it back. Griffin rolls under the ring ropes, and to the floor, as Jacobs drops, not moving. Brute stares at him for a moment, then turns to stare back at Griffin, who is walking backwards, making sure that the big man stays in his sights.

During the intermission, Brute stayed in the ring, leaning in the corner, while Jacobs was helped to the back. Oddly enough, Brute seemed more concerned about Griffin than Jacobs potential injury. Not sure if there is dissension in the ranks of the Young Lions or what, but Brute stayed ready for his match with Jace through-out the intermission.

The intermission saw several of the haunt actors make a run in, scaring the crap out of many of our fans, but in a good way. The guy with the chainsaw tried to make a go at me, but I didn't budge. I was a rock, and he couldn't get me.

This is Natalie. Jaxson just went away to get a drink. Don't let him fool you. He was running around the ring trying to get away from the guy with the chainsaw. he comes...

Intermission came to an end, and we were all ready for the main event. With Brute already in the ring, all that was left was for "Time to Shine" by Saliva to hit, and so it did. Jace Parker Davidson came out, and the crowd booed him. He drank it in as he walked down the aisle, not caring if he's cheered or booed, because he's going to act like he does no matter what. Jace climbed into the ring, and eyed Brute cautiously. He yells out to Brute about Brute being too fat to walk back and forth to the ring, and that's why he didn't leave during intermission. Brute took a step toward him, but Natalie tells him to go back to his corner. Brute nods to her, and does as he's told, while Jace just smiles in his own corner.

Next month, at No Escape, someone will be taking on Kid Kaboom for his Peach State Championship, and Jace is in prime position to be that person, but then again, so is his wife, Tara. Both want it bad. Both want revenge against Kid Kaboom, but Jace has to get through the giant here tonight to get one step closer to that goal. But Brute has his own name to make here tonight and beating Jace would be huge for this youngster's career.

Natalie starts the match, and then backs away, letting the two stars do their thing. Jace maybe cocky, but he isn't stupid. He's not about to go full steam against Brute. He measures Brute, circling around him. Brute stands in the center, waiting for Jace to make his move, and finally Jace does. He rushes Brute from behind, trying to deliver a kick to his leg, but Brute caught him off guard by dropping backwards, straight toward the incoming Jace, connecting with a back elbow. The move may have looked awkward to the crowd, but it was quiet effective as Jace falls back into the corner. Brute turns and goes after Jace, trying to grab him, but Jace ducks under it and comes up behind Brute. He leaps up and connects with a perfect dropkick as Brute turns around.

Brute falls backwards with a thud into the corner. Jace rushes the corner, driving a knee high into Brute's chest. Jace drops back down and runs to the other side of the ring, only to come barreling in again. He leaps into the air, but Brute steps out of the corner, catching him in mid-air. Brute lifts him up onto his shoulders, lifting him above his head and presses him in mid-air, before dropping him straight down behind him. The crowd loved it.

Brute turned around, and bends down, picking Jace up with both hands. He throws him back into the corner, and drives a huge chop across Jace's chest. Jace stumbles out of the corner, holding his chest in pain. Brute grabs ahold of Jace's head, and rushes toward the corner, but before he can slam Jace into it, Jace jumps up, and springboards back, landing on his feet, as Brute slams his chest into it. Jace catches his breath for a moment, and as Brute stumbles backwards, Jace leaps up, planting his knees into Brute's back, and grabbing his head, and drops backwards with a backstabber. Brute drops, holding his back, and the impact obvious causes almost as much pain for Jace as well, but Jace somehow crawls over and covers.

Natalie drops down, but only gets a one count as Brute pushes Jace off of him. Jace slowly gets to his feet, still winded from his own move, but Brute moves a little slower. Jace is on his feet first, as Brute is still on all fours. Jace rushes him, crashing into his head with his knee. Brute is knocked over onto his back, as Jace rushes, leaping up onto the middle rope, and flipping backwards, coming down with a springboard moonsault. Jace tries to cover again, but once again only gets a one count, as Brute kicks out.

Jace got back to his feet, running into the ropes, as Brute struggles to get to one knee. Jace comes back, leaping into the air, and connecting with a double knee strike straight into Brute's chest. Brute falls over backwards, holding his chest, the wind knocked out of him, as Jace covers again, this time hooking his leg. Natalie drops and her hand hits the mat twice, but Brute got a shoulder up before it hit three. Jace got back to his feet, and leapt up huge into the air, coming straight down across Brute's windpipe with a leg drop.

Jace was doing an excellent job of not letting the big man get the oxygen he needed. His first plan was to go after the big man's legs, but when that failed, he switched it up to go after his lungs. Jace comes off as cocky, but he is a ring veteran, and he knows his way around the ring. Jace covered again, and once again got a two count, as Brute got a shoulder up again. Jace shook his head and got to his feet. He drove several stomps into Brute's head, and then began to climb to the top rope. Jace stands on the top rope, measuring Brute, and then leapt off, flipping in mid-air with his version of the shooting star press, The Awakening. He comes down, just as Brute jerks forward, crashing his head straight into the incoming Jace. The connection is immediate, and as Jace lands with some impact, he immediately rolls off of Brute, holding his head.

The crowd couldn't believe the counter to the shooting star press, and Brute is feeling the impact of it as well, as he is holding his own head from the impact. He curls up on his side, struggling to get up, while on the other side of the ring, Jace is actually able to stand, but as soon as he takes one step, he falls to the mat again, holding his head. Brute grabs ahold of the ropes, and begins to pull himself to his feet, while Jace is barely moving, his foot kicking, trying to maintain consciousness. Brute pulls himself up and a rage is on his face. The crowd is on their feet, as Jace finally has began to move, rolling to the apron. Brute stomps over to where Jace is, and bends over the top rope, pulling Jace to his feet on the apron, but as soon as he did, Jace scrapes his eyes with his fingers. Brute lets go of Jace, who uses the moment to catch his breath again, trying to shake off the headbutt, but as soon as he does, Brute swings wildly, and the massive fist of Brute connects with Jace, and Jace goes flying off the apron, crashing to the floor hard. Brute drops to one knee, but then gets back to his feet. He starts to climb out of the ring, but he plays it smart. He backs away, waiting for Jace to get back up, and allowing Natalie to do her job.

Natalie begins to count, as Jace lays on the ground, in front of the crowd. Natalie counts to three, and Jace slowly begins to get to one knee. She reaches five, and he pushes off one of the empty chairs at ringside to get him to his feet. On six, he turns back toward the ring, and the awaiting giant. On seven, he begins to step toward the ring. On eight, Jace is nailed with a title belt across his head, as Kid Kaboom came running from the warehouse entrance, and nailed Jace with his championship belt. Jace goes down hard, as Kaboom stands over him smiling. Brute stares not knowing what to do, as Natalie has no choice but to call for the bell, giving Jace the victory.

Kaboom spits on Jace, before dropping down and hammering him with blow after blow, busting him open, similar to how he did Tara. Suddenly, Tara comes running down, and Kaboom grabs his title, and rushes back through the exit, stopping in the doorway, as Tara stops to check on Jace. Kaboom holds the title up, a cocky smile on his face toward Tara. In the ring, Brute realizes that it's over, and leaves, not interested in getting involved in somebody else's fight, but not liking how his match ended at the same time. As he starts back toward the back, he is greeted by someone who rarely makes an appearance during the show...Peach State owner, Jody Wilson.

The crowd cheers as Jody walks down, obviously with something on his mind. Jody climbs into the ring, and Kaboom actually waves to him cockily. Jody asks for the mic, and begins to talk. He talks about how he's done with this. Kaboom wanted to turn his back on all the fans for no reason. He's just some punk kid who doesn't respect the fans or the business. Jace maybe an asshole, but he comes out here every show, doesn't cut corners, and puts on one hell of a match. He maybe cocky, but he backs it up with his skill in this ring. Tara has come out here every single match and wrestled her ass off, and she has proved she is as good as any wrestler in this business. You, you were on your way to being one of those guys, but you took the easy way out, something that no other champion had done here. You disgraced the title, which is why, at No Escape, you'll defend that title against...

Jace Parker Davidson

Kaboom looked pissed at the announcement of his opponent.

But Jody wasn't done.


Kaboom froze, staring hard at Jody, as the crowd cheered loudly.

And then Jody dropped an even bigger bombshell. Jody said that thanks to the support of all the fans, Peach State Wrestling has been doing very well financially. And that success allowed him to make a very special purchase.

The title No Escape...will be in a steel cage...

I take back all the bad things I ever said about Jody, because right now, I love that man.

Kaboom however, did not, as he started yelling at him from his point, but at the same time, Tara looked to enjoy the stipulation herself, but she then looked down at Jace, one of her opponents, still bleeding from Kaboom's shot, and her smile faded.

The show ended with Kaboom leaving shortly there after, obviously pissed, but the crowd was excited. A lot of them wanted to buy advance tickets, which is something we should probably start doing, but we had to just tell them show up next show early, because we are almost positive it will be a sell out.

No Escape should be an awesome show. Kid Kaboom defending his title against both Tara Micheals and Jace Parker Davidson in Peach State's first ever steel cage match. Also scheduled, Brute Svenson and Griffin Hawkins will square off one on one against one another, Finn Cambridge will take on that creepy clown, Mr. Krinkle, and "The People's Choice" August Joyce will make his PSW return from his month off, against Johnny Manson, who just signed with Peach State Wrestling. It should be an awesome card, and there is no telling what will happen on that night.

Get your tickets now.