Thursday, November 10, 2011

No Escape Results (Saturday, November 5, 2011)

What a month it has been?

Not so much for Peach State Wrestling, but for me personally. Haunted houses, mini-vacations, costume contests, Halloween parties, trick or treating, the whole shebang. October was an absolutely great month for me.

November ain't shaping up the same way. My car died on the way to the show tonight. Luckily, Jody was able to get me a tow truck, and hopefully it will be good as new next week sometime, but still, I missed the whole first match.

From what I understand, talking with the fans, we didn't miss much.

That is, if you didn't want to see the utter dominance of Blaine Harrison. Apparently, he eliminated everyone, and I'm not exaggerating. He eliminated Teddy 10 with clothesline over the top rope, threw Johnny Mason over the top rope, used Villian's own momentum against him to eliminate him, and then finished off August Joyce with a back body drop straight to the floor. The crowd was impressed as hell with Blaine Harrison in his debut, and how can you not, defeating four other wrestlers in one night, in the matter of ten minutes, is a huge fete. And now, think of the momentum he has going into next month's show, as he'll be one half of the tag team that will face off against Tara and Tristian for the Peach State Tag Titles.

The next match saw the debut of Peach State's do I put this delicately...interesting wrestler to date. Sure, he busted onto the scene at last month's Halloweve, when we all thought he was just an escaped actor from Dixieland's Clown Apocalypse, but nope, the clown known as Mr. Krinkle was Jody's latest wrestler signed. But did he tell us? Nope. He just had us thinking that a we all had a creepy ass clown stalking us at every turn.

OK, maybe that was just me, but clowns creep me out, and Mr. Krinkle is not helping my fear of them. However, Mr. Krinkle didn't have a cake walk in his debut, because he was taking on Finn Cambridge, who impressed everyone at last months show, when he won Peach State's first ever Falls Count Anywhere match, only to have his celebration cut short by a whipped cream pie to the face and giant boot to the head from Mr. Krinkle making his presence known.

The two squared off, with Finn giving away a lot of size compared to Krinkle, but Finn didn't seem intimidated at all, despite Krinkle's creepy look. Finn went for a lock-up, but Krinkle circled around Finn, and grabbed his trunks, and actually tried to pull them down. Finn sprinted away, looking at Krinkle like he was crazy, which to me is the duh statement of the night.

I should also point out that Matt is back as our friendly neighborhood referee after taking last month off due to  the attack at the hands of Kid Kaboom, and it doesn't look like he missed a beat, especially trying to reprimand Krinkle for trying to pull down Finn's trunks and keeping a straight face. Krinkle just belly laughs it off, and finally they lock-up like real wrestlers, but Krinkle literally just pushes out of the lock-up, and lifts Finn up in a bear hug. Finn's face shows the pain as Krinkle crushes him, and swings him back and forth.

Finn does the only thing he can think of and rakes Krinkle's eyes. Krinkle lets go of him, and takes a step back, closing his eyes. Finn falls back into the ropes, and comes back taking Krinkle down to one knee with a low dropkick. Finn runs into the ropes again, and leaps up, wrapping his legs around Krinkle's head, going for a headscissors take down, but Krinkle catches him, stands up, and then falls straight backwards, slingshotting Finn into the ropes, flipping him over it, and crashing to the floor below.

Krinkle stands up, and then dances around the ring. The crowd really doesn't know how to take him, but they know they like Finn after last month, so he Krinkle got booed for the antics. It didn't seem to deter him though, as he just went right on dancing. Finally, Krinkle started to climb out of the ring, but Finn leaps up, catching him with a high knee, straight into Krinkle's head. Krinkle falls backwards, getting caught into the ropes, before crashing to the mat.

Finn jumps up onto the apron, and grabs the top rope, before flipping over the top rope with a crossbody splash on top of Krinkle. Finn rolls off of him, and gets straight back to his feet. Finn runs to the ropes and comes back, leaping high into the air and then coming down with a high impact leg drop. He covered him, but only got a two count, as Krinkle kicked out.

Finn didn't argue, he immediately went back on the offensive, knowing his best shot is keeping the big man on the ground. Finn stomped him hard in the shoulder, trying to keep him down, and then came down with a big elbow. Finn locked on a side headlock on the ground, trying to wear the big man down, but Krinkle was able to get to a seated position, while Finn continued to hold on. Krinkle somehow managed to shove Finn off of him, and get back to his knee, but Finn fires right back with a vicious buzzsaw kick he calls Kapow! Krinkle collapsed to the mat, and Finn immediately covered, but still only got a two.

Finn showed signs of frustration, and made a huge mistake. He lifted Krinkle to his feet, hitting him with a forearm, taking him back into the turnbuckle. Finn drives a knee into his chest, and then sends the 350lbs clown to the otherside. Krinkle slammed into the corner with such force that I honestly thought the whole thing was going to come lose, but some how, despite his size, Krinkle actually ricocheted out of the corner, straight at the incoming Finn. Finn never expected it, and Krinkle nearly beheaded him with a huge high impact clothesline. Finn spins in mid-air, before crashing face first to the mat. Krinkle flipped him over and covered him, getting a pinfall.

Despite my fear of clowns, Krinkle picked up an impressive victory here tonight, against an equally impressive opponent. I can't wait to see what happens next for these two future stars.

Our third match of the evening is something that has been brewing for awhile. Griffin Hawkins is Peach State's Mouth of the South, a title he probably would admit to quickly, but despite his witty repartee, he can back up with his actions.  While Brute Svenson is Peach State's Incredible Hulk, a man of few words, but so far, he has let his actions speak louder than anything else he has said. He came in with the now defunct Young Lions, but he has made a name here on his own in a very short amount of time. This match is a match I've been looking forward to for a few months now, since these two have gone back and forth with each other.

When they got to the ring, they stared each other down, and Griffin tried to throw Brute off with some insults, but it backfired on him as Brute just decked him with a right hand. Griffin flew across the ring, and quickly wrapped himself up in the ropes, forcing Matt to step in to keep Brute from further attack, allowing for Griffin to get back to his feet and catch his breath again. For a moment, the smirk is wiped off of Griffin's face.

For a moment anyway.

Griffin shakes off the punch, and actually challenges Brute to an old school version of mercy, to predictable results, because Griffin is absolutely no match for Brute, as he easily gets the advantage of Griffin with both hands bent downward, but Griffin wasn't stupid. He had a plan all along...well...maybe a back-up plan all along, as he drives a quick kick straight into one of Brute's knee caps. Brute lets go of the mercy hold, and takes a step backwards holding his knee.

Griffin shakes his hands out, trying to regain the feeling in them, before rushing at Brute, driving a kick into the same knee. Brute stumbles backwards again, turning his knee away from Griffin, but Griffin just responds by driving a side kick into the back of his other leg. Brute does something unorthodox. He backhands Griffin hard across the face. Griffin goes stumbling backwards, only being stopped by the ropes. Griffin tries to shake it off, and then turns, rushing back to Brute again, driving another kick into the back of Brute's leg, and this time, the big man drops down to one knee. Griffin says something smart to the crowd, who are chanting Brute's name, but that split second focus away from Brute doesn't go well for him, as he turns back, and Brute wraps a hand around his throat.

Brute gets back to his feet, and lifts Griffin up, not in a chokeslam, but in a choke throw. Griffin flies through the air, arms flailing, before crashing into the mat hard. Brute stretches his leg out, trying to stop the pain in it, as Griffin slowly gets to his feet. Brute rushes Griffin, driving a hard kick straight into his gut. Griffin flies backwards into the ropes, folding up, and dropping to the outside. The crowd loved the move, as Griffin tries to crawl away from the ring apron. Brute grabs the ropes and steps over the top, going straight after Griffin.

Brute hops down from the apron, and Griffin tries to pick up his pace, but Brute bends down, grabbing a handful of Griffin's hair, pulling him back toward him. Brute begins to pick him up, but as soon as he does, Griffin pokes Brute straight in the eye with his thumb. Brute is instantly blinded, and Griffin drops to his knees, and then nails Brute with a low blow with his arm between his legs. No matter how big someone is, that's going to double anyone over.

Griffin got back to his feet, and then grabs a hold of Brute's head, slamming it straight into the guardrail. Brute drops down to one knee. Griffin pulls Brute's head back again, and slammed it into the guardrail again and again. Finally, Brute collapses to the ground, holding his head. Griffin leaps up, and comes straight down with a knee into the back of Brute's head. He raised his hands up, acting like he already had won. His smirk is planted firmly on his face again.

He bends down and picks Brute up, bringing him to his knees. He drives a right hand across Brute's face. Then another, then another, but on the fourth blow, Brute brings one of his massive forearms up and blocks it. Griffin looks shocked, as Brute hammers him with a right hand of his own. Griffin flies backwards all the way to the ring apron. He holds his back in pain as it connects with the corner. Brute raises to his feet, as Griffin tries to regain control, driving a boot toward Brute's chest, but Brute catches it in mid-air. Griffin's eyes go wide as Brute drops his foot, and grabs ahold of Griffin by his throat once again. Griffin struggles to break the hold, but nothing he does can break Brute's grip.

Brute lifts him up straight into the air, and then throws him over the top rope straight back into the ring. Griffin lands hard, rolling toward the center of the ring, stopping face down, arms sprawled in opposite directions. Brute starts to climb back into the ring, when...


Brute stares up at what just happened in the ring, as Matt calls for the bell. The crowd is confused. Brute climbs up into the ring, asking Matt what just happened, and Matt tells him that he reached the ten count and counted him out. Brute looks extremely disappointed, and is kicking himself for making such a mistake. Griffin  on the other hand, slowly pulls himself up in the corner, and raises his hands in the air, like he just picked up one of the biggest victories of his career. He smirks at Brute, and says something across the ring at him that I couldn't make out, but it was something that Brute obviously didn't like, as Brute rushed him.

Griffin dropped to the mat, and rolled out of the ring, as Brute just missed grabbing ahold of him. Griffin slowly backed away from the ring, keeping his eye on Brute, as he held his hands up in victory. Despite the out come here, I don't see this being the last time these two face off against one another. I see this feud continuing after tonight, and who knows where it will lead to after this.

We took a brief intermission. Sure, some people hit up the concession stand, while others went outside for who knows what reason, but most stayed right in their seat as we watched the steel cage being constructed around the ring.

Unlike what they do in most big promotions, there was know lowering this cage down from the rooftop. This had to be built around the ring. It was spraypainted black, and looked very much like the old school WWF cages that such greats as Hulk Hogan and Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka fought in. It was ten foot tall, and looked like both a thing of beauty and a house of horrors all at the same time.

It took almost twenty minutes for them to build it around the ring, but it was worth the extra time. There was one door, but it would be locked after all three competitors were inside. In other words, nobody was going to be taking the easy way out. The only way to win this match was to climb out over the top of the whole thing. Matt wasn't going to be inside of that thing. He was going to hang outside, and wait for someone's feet to touch the floor.

"Time to Shine" played and out came Peach State's resident bad boy. Despite his impressive skill, he could careless about the fans here, and the fans showed him the same kind of respect, booing him loudly as he came out. He didn't give a damn what they thought of him, and truth be told, he seemed to relish the crowd's boos even more than he would their cheers. He looked at the thing, unphased. It was not the worst thing he had ever seen, and wouldn't be the most brutal match he's ever taken part in, but he gave it it's due just the same, before climbing into it.

"Dirty Dancer" starts up and out comes the sexiest thing in professional wrestling, Tara Michaels-Davidson. She was all business tonight. The crowd cheered for her loudly. Even though she wasn't exactly a fan favorite, she was by default here tonight. Despite the fact that it was her own husband, the crowd hated Jace, and ever since he turned their back on the fans, they really hated Kid Kaboom. Tara was the only one the crowd could turn to to support. She walked down to the ring, determined. She climbed into it, glancing at her husband, who smirks at her. She nods an acknowledgement, but they both know what this match means.

"Boom" plays and the crowd immediately joins in as one with boos. Kid Kaboom stepped from the entrance, a huge smile on his face, the Peach State Championship wrapped around his waist. Kaboom makes his way down to the ring slowly, taking his time, making his opponents wait for it. He stands outside the ring, looking inside, as both Tara and Jace stare at him, waiting to get their hands on him. He starts to hand the title to Matt, and then looks at him, before he drops it to the ground, smirking at him. Matt rolled his eyes, picking the title up off the ground, as Kaboom walked up the stairs, climbing into the ring.

As soon as he does, Tara rushes him, driving rights and lefts. Kaboom tries to fend her off, shoving her backwards, and then trying to climb back out of the cage, but before he can, Matt slams the door shut on him. Kaboom stares at Matt, who can't help but to smile at him, as Kaboom slowly turns, right into a right hand from Jace. Kaboom is nailed again and again from Jace, hammering him back into the corner. Jace then grabs his head, and turns, rushing to the otherside, slamming Kaboom face first into the cage wall. Kaboom drops to the mat hard. Tara stomps Kaboom in the shoulder, before bringing him back to his feet. Tara chops Kaboom across his chest, and then she grabs his hand, and sends him straight into the ropes, dropping to the mat for extra force. Kaboom slams face first into cage wall once again.

Kaboom collapsed once again, and it was Jace's turn to pick him up, but as soon as he does, Kaboom comes out of nowhere with a big European uppercut. Jace is rocked, and Kaboom rakes his fingers across his eyes, blinding him. Jace stumbles away, as Tara moves in, hammering Kaboom with a forearm across the chest, knocking him back against the ropes. Tara hammers him with another one, and goes to send him to the otherside, but Kaboom reverses it, sending Tara into the ropes instead.

Tara comes back, and Kaboom rushes to meet her, catching he with a clothesline. Tara hits the mat hard, and Kaboom rushes to the ropes, leaping up, springboarding off the second rope, and turning, connecting with a kick to Jace's head. Jace drops to his knees in the ring, and Kaboom doesn't miss a beat, driving a knee straight into his face, knocking him backwards and down to the ground.

Suddenly, Kaboom is jerked around, and gets a right hand from Tara. Kaboom stumbles backwards, only to catch another right hand. Kaboom falls backwards into the corner. Tara goes for another blow, but Kaboom blocks it, and drives an inside elbow into her head, before grabbing her, and reversing positions with her, throwing her back into the corner. Kaboom swings at her, but Tara ducks it, driving an open handed blow into his chest, knocking the air from Kaboom. He stumbles backwards, and Tara leaps up to the top turnbuckle. Kaboom turns around, and Tara comes off the top rope, catching him with a hurricanrana.

Tara looks toward the top of the cage, but then shakes her head. She walks over to Kaboom, bending down, to lift him up, just as Jace gets up to his feet as well behind him. Tara is distracted for a moment looking at Jace, and then suddenly Kaboom grabs her and drops backwards. Tara goes flying, straight into Jace, knocking him backwards into the corner. Kaboom gets to his feet and looks back, seeing Tara down and Jace in the corner. He turns back and rushes to the other side, leaping up onto the cage. He begins to climb, but he doesn't get more than a foot up the cage, when Jace rushes across the ring, and leaps up onto catching Kaboom around the waist. He pulls him backwards, and connected with a huge German suplex off the cage.

Both men go crashing down to the mat. Both men are down, and it leaves Tara the only person standing, as she gets back to her feet. She grabs ahold of the cage, but then shakes her head. She turns back, walking right past Jace, who is slowly moving, and goes straight for Kaboom. She picks him up, and throws him head first into the steel cage. Kaboom drops down to one knee, but Tara immediately picks him back up, and throws him back into the cage, this time not allowing him to fall backwards. She begins to hammer him over and over again into the cage, until finally he falls backwards, blood smeared across his face.

Tara now has a smile on her face, but then she turns, and sees Jace on the top rope, starting to pull himself up onto the cage. He turns back and sees her look at him with a surprised look. He shrugs his shoulders, and begins to attempt to climb the cage. She rushes over to him, grabbing his leg, and yanking it backwards. Jace drops off the rope, his legs split on the top rope. Jace's face scatters with pain, as he falls back into the ring.

Tara is the only person left standing. Tara grabs ahold of the cage, but suddenly someone grabs her leg. She turns around, and it is Jace. Tara looks down at him, and helps him to his feet. The two of them smile at each other, and suddenly, Tara toe kicks Jace, and grabs his head, dropping him face first into the mat with a huge Face Lift. The crowd goes wild, as Tara gets back to her feet, grabbing ahold of the cage, and starting to climb it. She makes it halfway up, when the crowd starts to buzz, as Kid Kaboom somehow gets to his feet, blood pouring down his face. He staggers over to the wall where Tara is climbing.

Tara grabs ahold of the top, and starts to pull herself up, but as she does so, Kaboom begins to climb the cage as well. She turns, looking down at him coming up. She tries to kick him, but he somehow avoids it, and immediately pulls himself to the top. Tara swings at him, but Kaboom blocks it and hammers her with a right hand. She teeters on the top of the cage, nearly falling back into the ring. She grabs ahold of the cage to keep from falling. Kaboom hits her again, and she nearly falls again, however this time, she falls straight backwards, her back onto the top of the cage, and she lets go of the cage, flipping on her side, and catching the side of Kaboom's head with a vicious kick.

Kaboom wobbles for a second, staring at Tara, and then she whispers something to him, before dropping back to her back again and drives both feet straight into his chest. Kaboom drops off the cage wall, dropping ten feet to the mat, landing on his back. The crowd begins to cheer loudly, as Tara looks down, nobody there to stop her. She swings her legs around, and drops down, hanging off the cage, before dropping down to the floor.

The crowd goes wild, as the bell rings. We have a new champion!!! Tara just became the new Peach State Champion! She beat two of the top stars in Peach State. She is the first double champion in Peach State history.

On the outside of the ring, Matt raises Tara's hand and hands her the championship belt. Tara raises it into the air, before clutching it to he chest.

Tara said she was going to come into this match and walk out the champion, and she did exactly that. But how long will her celebration be, because there is no rest for the weary, because in December, Tristian and her will have to defend the tag titles against Blaine Harrison and a partner that we'll find out Friday at 5:00PM.

What a historic night for Peach State Wrestling.

I can't wait for what's in store next.