So, anything interesting happen in the last month?
Let's see, as far as months goes, things have been about as interesting as they have been in Peach State Wrestling.
First, we leave the Alliance along with High Octane and Tiger Wrestling.
Then Jace and Tara get a tag team title shot over in High Octane Wrestling.
Then Magnum Randell, the NWA World Heavyweight Champion, drops out of his signed match against Kidd Kaboom.
Jace and Tara decide to up the stakes in their HOW tag team match by attacking people over on HOW's show, Turmoil.
Peach State Wrestling signs the remnants of the former fed, Young Lions, bringing Chris Jacobs, Scott King, and Brute Svenson into PSW.
Kimba Seanoa returns to Peach State Wrestling, at least for one night, taking the place of Magnum Randell against Kidd Kaboom.
We had a little laser tag at Summerfest, which was interrupted by the two guys that Ascended Supremacy will take on in HOW, Rhys Townsend and Evan Ward, when they attacked Jace and Tara, causing people in Peach State to choose sides.
Dixie Leigh had a family emergency, and had to drop from her match tonight, once again leaving Tara Micheals in an interesting situation with a tag team partner as she has her shot against the Peach State Tag Team Champions, Jace and August.
Oh, and next month's show, Fall Fight, already has one match scheduled. It will be Jace Parker Davidson taking on HOW superstar and LSD Champion, Sean Maguire, the man Jace and Tara attacked to "make a statement" over on Turmoil. That match should be interesting, as Jody has said it will be between those two guys. Nobody else will be allowed at ringside.
Jody has made it clear that he doesn't want a war with High Octane Wrestling, and that he knows that Jace and Tara are showing Peach State pride doing what they are doing, but he respects HOW, and doesn't want a war with them.
On a personal note though, Rhys and Evan gave me a black eye at Summerfest, so I ain't happy with them. Then again, I ain't happy about Jace and Tara bringing them here with their antics.
Anyway, we have a show to talk to you about, and the first match was shocking to say the least. It really was. We saw John Empires come to the ring, same no nonsense approach he always has to this ring. Last month, we saw John Empires tear apart newcomer Donovan Kraig, a guy that nobody has seen since.
But tonight he was taking on "The Rising Star" Jay Jousma, the man who came into Peach State Wrestling with nothing to prove, and has since turned into the guy that thinks the fans owe him something. Jousma was a guy I was a big fan of when he first came in, but I haven't been a fan in recent weeks.
Jousma came out, that same cockiness he's displayed recently. The man who said he was going to charge people $500 to get his autograph at Summerfest, and then didn't show, probably due to the adverse reaction to this idea. Jousma entered the ring as the crowd booed him. He didn't seem to understand it. He kept saying something about how the fans should be paying money to see him in the main event, not a guy like Kidd Kaboom or Kimba Seanoa.
The bell rang, and Jousma did something surprising. He waved Empires off, and climbed out of the ring. He actually started to leave. Empires shakes his head, and climbs out of the ring, going after Jousma. Empires jerks him around and hammers him with a right hand that rocks Jousma. The crowd actually cheered Empires, something I still can't believe.
Empires grabs ahold of Jousma's head and sends him flying back toward the ring, throwing him underneath the bottom rope, back into the ring. Empires climbs up onto the apron, but as soon as he does so, Jousma gets back up, and drives a knee into Empires, almost knocking him off the apron. Empires draps over the top rope, and Jousma grabs him, and lifts him up into a suplex position. He holds him into the air, but before he can drop him, Empires begins to struggle, causing Jousma to drop him back to the apron. Empires pulls away from the suplex hold, and drives an inside elbow into Jousma's head, before grabbing ahold of it, and dropping over the top rope, bringing Jousma's throat across it.
Jousma went to the mat, and Empires rolled into the ring. He immediately began to stomp on Jousma over and over again. Reynolds yells at Empires, and Empires backs off for a moment, before moving back in and picking Jousma up. He hammers him with a right and then a left, knocking him back into the corner. He begins to deliver a combo of punches, rocking Jousma to his core, before grabbing him, and sending him to the other side of the ring with an Irish whip.
Jousma hits the corner hard, and comes out of it, only to be met with a huge running clothesline by Empires. Empires bends down starting to pick-up Jousma again, but Jousma raked Empires across his face, blinding him momentarily. It was enough for Jousma to get back to his feet.
Jousma runs to the ropes, but as he comes in, Empires gets his sight back, and catches the incoming Jousma, lifting him up, turning, and slamming him down with a vicious spinebuster. Empires gets back up, shaking his head, picking Jousma up, who is obviously winded. He plants his head between his legs, grabs ahold of Jousma's trunks, and then lifts him up, spiking him down as he drops, right into a version of the stump puller piledriver he calls the Summer Storm. Jousma's head crashes into the mat, and his body drops over limp.
Empires turns him over and covers, getting an easy pinfall over the former NWA World Heavyweight Champion. It maybe the biggest upset in Peach State history. Hell, it might be one of the biggest upsets in wrestling history. Empires, a forty-one year old wrestler, beat a guy like Jousma, who's career is supposedly just taking off. I can't believe it personally. Nothing against Empires, but Jousma is a former NWA World Champion, and Empires has never held a major title in his entire career.
And he did it in a very quick match. I don't know what is Jousma's deal, but for a man who hasn't won a single match here in Peach State, I expected more out of him, even with his attitude as of late.
Before I talk about the chaos of the tag team title match, I must reiterate how hot it is outside. The whole country is in a heatwave, but this has to be somewhere around the 5th or 6th level of hell outside. When I walk around outside, I honestly feel like one of the Nazis in Raiders of the Lost Ark, and my face is just going to melt off.
Yes, it's that bad.
The next match was yet another interesting turn of events. Earlier this week, Dixie Leigh notified management that she had a family emergency that she needed to take care, and wouldn't be able to make it tonight. Jody tried to make thing as fair as possible to Tara Michaels-Davidson, and allowed her to pick her own partner. She chose her own sister, Tristain, who I personally first met at the Laser Tag Challenge. She's an interesting lady, to say the least, but she's never stepped foot in the ring before.
They are the first ones out, coming out to Tara's new music, "Dirty Dancer" by Enrique Iglesias ft. Usher. And yes, I did just say that Enrique Ingesias is being used as an entrance music. Tara and Tristain come out in their wrestling gear, walking down to the ring. The crowd boos them, with Tara not being the fan favorite with the crowd, something she really could careless about. Tristain seems almost overwhelmed as she climbed into the ring. You could tell she wasn't comfortable in that ring just yet, which isn't surprising seeing she's never wrestled a match in her life.
Enter Shikari's "Ok, time for Plan B" plays and out comes "The People's Choice" August Joyce, to the crowds pleasure. He comes out, slapping the hands of the fans on his way to the ring. He is then joined by Jace Parker Davidson, the other half of the Peach State Tag Team Champions, as "Time to Shine" by Saliva plays. Jace came out with his usual bravado and cockiness, holding the title over his shoulder. He climbed into the ring, and smiles across the ring at his wife, Tara.
He said something to August, but August didn't seem to like it, and August replies. The two trade words, but on the otherside of the ring, Tara and Tristain look at each other, and shrug, before rushing across the ring, attacking their opponents, with Tara going after August and Tristain going after Jace.
Tara hammers August with a forearm to his back, slamming him into the corner, while Tristain tackles Jace, taking them both out of the ring. Tara grabs August, sending him flying to the other side of the ring. August hits the corner hard, as Tara rushes in, driving a knee into his gut, doubling him over. She pushes him out of the corner, before coming off with a bulldog, taking August down.
On the outside of the ring, Tristain has Jace against the ring apron, but as she goes for another punch, Jace ducks it, and with a smile on his face, he drives a fist straight into her, taking her down. Jace then jumps up onto the apron, awaiting a tag, as Tristain slowly moves back to her side of the ring.
Tara runs to the ropes, and comes back, jumping into the air, and coming down with a knee drop across August's head. Tara rolls to her feet, and stomps right on August, before going for a cover. She only picked up a two count though as Jace pulled her off of him. She looked at him, and all he did was shrug, letting her know that all is fair in this match-up. She got up and immediately tagged in Tristain. Tristain looks nervous climbing into the ring, but she immediately rushes over to August, driving a stomp into his shoulder. She delivers several more stomps before finally picking him up, and pushing him into the ropes.
She sends him to the otherside, but in the process, got him way too close to his own partner, as Jace tags himself in, but Tristain obviously didn't see it, as she comes across, nailing August with a clothesline, taking him down. However, as soon as she turns around, Jace springboards into the ring, connecting with a shoulderblock, taking her down. He immediately covers her, but only gets a one count, as Tristain kicks out. Jace doesn't sweat it, as he runs to the ropes, coming back with a low dropkick to Tristain's chest as she tries to get up, taking her down again.
Jace got back to his feet, running to the ropes, and then using them to springboard backwards with an Asai moonsault, but as he does so, Tristian brings her knees up, and Jace lands chest first on top of them. He rolls off, holding his chest, as Tristian gets back to her feet. She falls backwards, tagging in Tara.
Tara climbs into the ring, but hesitates for a moment, looking at her husband across the ring. Jace gets back to his feet, and reaches back, to tag himself out. August climbs back into the ring, and both him and Tara lock-up, with August getting the advantage with a headlock, which he quickly turns into a hammerlock. However, Tara grabs August's head, and drops down with a great reversal of the hammerlock. August goes down, falling backwards, as Tara gets to her feet. She runs into the ropes, and comes back, coming down with a double foot stomp to August's chest, before she bounces and tags in Tristian.
Tristian climbs into the ring, as August gets to all fours. Tristian rushes him, and flips over him, with a modified neckbreaker. She brings him back down to the mat, before rolling back to her feet, and rushing straight at Jace, clubbing him with a forearm, knocking him off the apron and to the floor below. Tristian quickly turns back, running toward August and coming down with a leg drop, before rolling backwards, and to her feet again. She leaps over him, heading toward the ropes, and makes a blind tag to Tara, before rolling and coming down with a rolling senton. She continues her motion, heading toward the otherside, but as she rebounds off the ropes, Jace grabs her feet and yanks her out of the ring.
Jace and Tristian begin to trade blows on the outside, but Tara is the legal person, and she climbs into the ring. August slowly gets back to his feet, however, he isn't allowed to do so, as Tara rushes him, and leaps up into the air, connecting with a huge scissors kick she calls The Goodnight Kiss. The crowd can't believe it as Tara covers.
Jace tries to climb back into the ring, but Tristian grabs ahold of his leg, holding on to him as Tara gets a three count. Peach State crowned new tag team champions. The unthinkable happened, as Tara and her sister Tristian just beat Jace and August.
Matt hands the belts to Tara and Tristian. Jace stands on the outside, not believing what happened, as August slowly gets to his feet, shaking his head. Jace climbs into the ring, staring at August. Finally, Jace nails August with a right hand, as Tara and Tristian stare, as the two former tag team partners begin to brawl in the corner.
The crowd suddenly begins to mumble, as three men enter the ring behind the new champions. It was Peach State's newest signees, The Young Lions, Chris Jacobs, Scott King, and Brute Svenson. The crowd doesn't know what's about to happen, until Tara and Tristian turn around. Chris and Scott nail both of them, taking them down with several punches. Scott grabs Tristian, and throws her over the top rope with force, sending her crashing to the floor below. Tara strikes back against Chris, but falls against the ropes, and Chris rushes her, nailing her with a clothesline, that takes Tara over the top rope.
Jace and August stop their brawl, and Jace immediately rushes Chris, but as soon as he does so, Brute rushes him, striking him with a jumping boot to the face. Jace's head is nearly taken off by the blow, and he rolls underneath the bottom rope, crashing to the ground, leaving the Young Lions in the ring with August Joyce. August holds his hands up, not sure what is going on, but he's not stupid. He's not going to try to take on all three members of the Young Lions. Chris holds his hands up as well, showing he doesn't mean him harm, when suddenly Scott drives a kick into his gut, and Chris brings a knee into August's face, as Scott then grabs him, and throws him hard over the top rope. August slams into the concrete floor hard, leaving the Young Lions alone in the ring.
I don't know what message they were trying to send, but I guarantee you that the Young Lions, making their first appearance in Peach State, just made some enemies.
There was a brief intermission, as the Peach State arena prepared for the main event, as Peach State Champion, Kidd Kaboom, would take on Kimba Seanoa.
The break saw Jody Wilson come out and greet the fans, in a rare public appearance, but the fans gave the old man his proper respect, and then we were on to the main event.
Kimba Seanoa came out to the ring first. The crowd gave him a mixed reaction. When he left, the fans were digging him, but many felt as if he just abandoned them for no reason. I'm actually with them. He had a great thing going for him, and he got schooled by August, and he just left. It was hard not to think he just was a sore loser. However, he may have been able to earn a little bit of redemption here tonight.
Kidd Kaboom came out as the crowd went wild. There is no doubt that Kaboom is the most popular guy here in Peach State, and he loves the crowds support. He climbed into the ring, and immediately asked for the bell to be rung, which Matt obliged. Kaboom didn't like the fact that he went from facing the NWA Champion to facing Kimba, so he wanted this match over, but at the same time, Peach State was treated to something special.
The two face off, getting right into each other's faces, when suddenly Kimba pushes off of Kaboom and swings a huge haymaker. Kaboom ducks it, and comes up behind Kimba. Kimba turns, as Kaboom leaps into the air, grabbing ahold of Kimba's head, connecting with a huge BADABOOM! The crowd can't believe it as Kaboom immediately covers Kimba, easily getting a three count.
The crowd is stunned, as Kaboom immediately gets to his feet, holding his hands into the air. I can't believe how easy he made that look. Kimba just rolled out of the ring, and stormed to the back, completely embarrassed at the 20 second loss. Kaboom climbs the ropes, holding his hands into the air, while at the same time getting the crowd behind him.
The main event was over, just like that, and that was the end of the night.
Except that it wasn't, because "Whiskey Hangover" began to play, and John Empires made his way down to the ring. The crowd didn't know what to expect by this, and neither did Kaboom, who dropped out of the corner, prepared for anything.
Empires climbed into the ring and asked for a mic. There has been very little talking in the ring since Peach State debuted, and nobody expected for it to be Empires to be the one to break that tradition. He made it very clear that as one of Kaboom's trainers, he couldn't directly challenge Kaboom, Dixie, or anyone else in the school. However, earlier tonight, he talked to Jody earlier tonight, and he resigned from Peach State. This would be his last night here.
The crowd was shocked. Hell, I was shocked. I know I've said a few things about Empires, but I'm shocked that he's leaving.
Empires continued to say that he's got a lot of stuff on his plate right now, so he's got to take some time. He'll actually be heading to England for a period of time, and it's not fair to Jody or Peach State for him to say "he's just taking time off." He the superstars...the wrestlers in Peach State know what kind of special place they have here.
However, he wasn't going to leave until he knew one thing for sure. If Kaboom is the man he says he is. If Kaboom really is the man that deserves to where that Peach State title around his waste. So he challenged Kaboom right then and there to a match.
Kaboom took about two seconds to think about it, before he said yes, and Empires immediately dropped the mic. The crowd buzzed as Matt called for the bell, and Empires and Kaboom immediately began to circle one another, before locking up, each jockeying for position, but it is Empires getting the advantage with a headlock, before Kaboom drags him back to the ropes, pushing him off to the otherside.
Empires rebounds, and Kaboom goes for a clothesline, but Empires ducks it. Empires hits the ropes again and comes back, leaping into the air, taking Kaboom down with a Lou Thesz press and begins to hammer him with rights to the side of his head. Kaboom brings his knees upward, knocking Empires forward and off of him. Empires gets back to his feet, and turns, just as Kaboom does the same.
Empires steps forward toward Kaboom, swinging wildly, but Kaboom ducks it, catching Empires with a drop toe hold. Empires goes to the mat, and Kaboom immediately turns it into a modified STF, but before he can it properly in place, Empires reaches and grabs ahold of the bottom rope, forcing the break. Kaboom gets back to his feet, but as soon as he does, Empires gets to his knees and drives a hard body blow into his solar plexus. Kaboom is winded from the blow, and Empires drives another one into the opposite side, as he gets to his feet. Empires drives Kaboom's head backwards with an uppercut.
Kaboom staggers backwards into the corner, and Empires drives a boot into his gut, before beginning to stomp mercilessly. Kaboom drops down a sitting position, but Empires continues the mudhole stomp, until Kaboom literally has no where to go, but roll out of the ring. He drops to the floor below, but Empires follows him right away, dropping out of the ring. Empires grabs ahold of Kaboom, lifting him up, but as soon as he does, Kaboom leaps up, connecting with a high knee. Empires is rocked backwards. He stumbles, before dropping to one knee.
Kaboom gets to his feet slowly, and sees Empires on his one knee, and rushes him, but as he does so, Empires lifts up, catching Kaboom, lifting him up, turning, and driving him into the floor with a spinebuster. Empires gets to his feet as the crowd is cheering loudly for the back and forth match. Empires bends down, and picks Kaboom up, throwing him back into the ring. He gets up to the apron, but Kaboom somehow has managed to get back up. He drives a shoulder into Empires gut, doubling him over. Empires barely holds onto the ropes. Kaboom runs to the otherside of the ring, and comes rebounding off the ropes, spearing Empires square on. Empires flies off the apron, as Kaboom comes through the ropes. Empires lands, miraculously not hitting any fans, crashing into the floor.
Kaboom gets to his feet, looking for Empires. Empires is barely moving in the second row. Kaboom goes over to him, lifting him up. He drags him to the ring, and throws him back in. Kaboom climbs into the ring, and covers, but somehow only gets a two count, as Empires gets a shoulder up before Matt's hand drops to three. Kaboom actually smirks. I'm not sure if he was happy the match wasn't over, or impressed that Empires wasn't done yet.
Kaboom got back to his feet. He motions for his finisher. The crowd is on their feet, as they are ready for the second Badaboom they've seen tonight. Empires slowly gets back to his feet, his back to Kaboom, and then he turns. Kaboom goes for it, leaping into the air, grabbing ahold of Empires's head, but instead of pulling backwards, like most people do, the veteran stepped forward, grabbing Kaboom around the waist, supporting Kaboom in mid-air, and then turning, and dropping backwards into a modified German suplex.
The crowd can't believe the reversal of the Badaboom. Empires gets back to his feet slowly. He grabs ahold of Kaboom and lifts him up. He plants his head between his legs. He went for his own finishing move, the Summer Storm, but Kaboom wasn't ready for it to be over either, as he is somehow able to lift Empires up and over with a back body drop. Empires his the mat flat, and Kaboom goes back to his knees.
Empires holds his back as he starts to get back to his feet. Kaboom slowly gets to his feet. Empires goes for Kaboom, but Kaboom explodes upwards, turning in mid-air, grabbing for Empires, going for another Badaboom, but Empires pushes forward, sending Kaboom away from him. Kaboom turns around, and it is Empires who grabs him, throwing him up onto his shoulders. He went for an older move of his, a modified DVD, but Kaboom brings elbows into his head, stopping his momentum, and suddenly Kaboom pushes off of Empires shoulders, grabbing his head, but instead of going for the Badaboom, he went for something else. He forces Empires to the mat, wrapping his arms around Empires head and neck, and locking his arm backwards with his own legs...a modified version of a crossface armbreaker.
Empires eyes bulge, as Kaboom wrenches backwards with all of his might in the center of the ring. The crowd is on their feet, as Empires has no choice but to tap out. The crowd cheers loudly as Kaboom immediately lets go of the new move, getting to his feet. The crowd cheers him, as Matt raises his hand.
Empires gets to his knees, holding his neck and arm equally, looking at Kaboom. Kaboom turns to him, and extends his hand to him. Empires excepts it, and is helped to his feet, however, as soon as he is, Empires drives a boot straight into Kaboom's gut. Kaboom doubles over, and drops to one knee. Empires actually smiles, before dropping down to one knee, patting Kaboom on the head. You can actually hear him say "you're alright kid," before rolling out of the bottom rope and heading to the back.
Empires may be leaving, but in his own way, I think he just let Kaboom know he deserves to be I his own way.
That's it for Uprising.
Next month at Fall Fight, we have some great matches coming to you.
First things first, in the main event, Kidd Kaboom will defend his Peach State Championship against one half of the newly crowned Peach State Tag Team Champion, Tara Micheals-Davidson, while her husband, Jace Parker-Davidson, will face off against HOW's LSD Champion, Sean Maguire. In other matches, "The People's Choice" August Joyce will team with the returning Dixie Leigh, where August will get some revenge against the Young Lions, as they will face Chris Jacobs and Scott King in tag team action. And finally, the third member of the Young Lions, Brute Svenson, will face off against newcomer, Whirlwind.
It's a packed card next month at Fall Fight. We'll see you in September.