Thursday, July 14, 2011

PSW Signs Chris Jacobs

Wrestler's Name: Chris Jacobs
Hometown: Halifax, Canada
Date of Birth: March 29, 1981
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 210lbs
Alignment: Heel
Pic Base: Curt Hawkins
Entrance Music: "Oh Canada" by Classified

Appearance: Appearance:

- Shoulder length light brown hair
- Light brown beard.
- Streamlined physique

Ring Attire:

- Red trunks
- Black elbow pads
- White wrist tape
- Black knee pads
- Black boots
- Black leather vest with hood.

Wrestling Style: Hybrid

Finisher Name: East Coast Driver
Finisher Description: Snapmare Driver

Signature Moves: Combo: Spinning Elbow (Left) sets up for a spinning backfist (Right)
Assortment of MMA kicks (Push Kick, Front Kick, Side Kick, Roundhouse Kick, Hook Kick, etc.)
Kawada Driver
Deadlift Back To Belly Piledriver
Running Knee Strike in Corner (Panic Attack)
Deadlift Back To Belly Piledriver
MMA Slam (Deadlift Spinebuster)
Running Elbow Strike
Rolling Knee Bar

Trademark Move 1:: Hammerlock DDT

Trademark Move 2::  Death Valley Driver

Alternate Finishing Move::  KTFO [Knocked The Fuck Out] - [Springboard Superman Punch/Forearm Smash]

History: None Listed