Saturday, March 5, 2011

Peach State & Twitter: Week 1

The stars of Peach State Wrestling have taken to Twitter. Oddly enough the internet survived the onslaught. Here's some of what they've been saying this week.

"Watching RAW...why do these guys make more money than me?" - Kidd Kaboom

"Kidd Kaboom is a product of incest. Alabama is known for that. 4 Days Champ!" - Trenton Williams

"Why does it always seem that the douchebags have computers? Bring it on Sparky!" - Kidd Kaboom

"You have yet to see a true asshole kid... Shine my belt, I claim it Saturday!" - Trenton Williams

"I got signed with PSW!!! This kicks more a$$ than kid kaboom!!! " - Dixie Leigh

"Ive been breaking coconuts and pineapples all week, now I'm ready to break necks" - Kimba Seanoa

"I can't wait to be at the show as a roster member in the crowd!! PSW - FTW!!!" - Dixie Leigh

"To Boom or not to Boom that is the question...." - Kidd Kaboom

"Let's get ready to fight in Fayettevill!!!!!!!!!111" - Kidd Kaboom