Thursday, August 25, 2011

Blaine Harrison

Blaine Harrison
Hometown: Akron, Ohio
Date of Birth: 06/05/1986
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 216lbs
Alignment: Face
Pic Base: Penn Badgley
Entrance Music: "Let's See Action" by The Who

Appearance: Blaine has short brown hair he wears in a fauxhawk and has blue/grey eyes. He's not particularly ripped or well toned; he has the muscle mass it's just hidden beneath a bit of "baby-fat" as he calls it. He has a single tattoo on his left bicep of a tribal firebird.

Wrestler Style: All-Arounder
Finisher Name: Metal Heart Suplex
Finisher Description: Blaine lifts his opponent up for a suplex, drops them down across the top rope causing them to bounce up. Blaine then performs a suplex/brainbuster/jackhammer depending on the situation and severity needed.
Signature Moves: 'Don't Hold Back' - Scissored armbar/Rings of Saturn

Background/History: Blaine Harrison (formerly known on the wrestling circuit as Ben Hanson) has been wrestling for approximately five years now. However he didn't find fame/success until '09 when he teamed with his elder brother, Jackson in the tag team 'Splendid Isolation'. He largely disappeared for a few years, focusing "on his music" instead of wrestling before reappearing in Alpha Entertainment in the Spring of 2011. Now with a change of name, Blaine is now ready to try his luck elsewhere in an effort to continue rebuilding his reputation. On a side note, Blaine is what you could describe as clingy, and desperate. So eager to fit-in that he's willing to do damn near anything just to be accepted by his peers. Even if it means copying their appearance and mannerisms..