Sunday, April 24, 2011
John Empires Joins Peach State's Training Team
John Empires, veteran wrestler and multi-time champion, has been hired to to Peach State's Training Team for students enrolled at Peach State's School of Wrestling. Many are surprised that Empires was hired for such a role because he has a reputation of a hard ass. Jody Wilson, who has worked with Empires previously, thinks that Wilson will provide a different type of training to his students. There is also a possibility that Empires may work matches for Peach State, as he is still actively taking bookings for work. Empires previously was associated with the NWA being a member of BACW, where he unsuccessfully attacked BACW owner, Mr. Batee. Empires still officially holds a title shot for the Empire State Championship, but has no plans to cash it in anytime soon, although with Empires starting the same week that Mr. Batee is scheduled to be a part of Peach State Wrestling's No Excuses, it should be interesting if they have interactions with each other.