The first show in Peach State was everything it should have been...and more.
Before I get started, let me preface this by giving you some legal mumbo jumbo that Jody asked me to include in this. I'm not a reporter. Sure, you're going to find out what happened at our first show, but besides the results, I'll include rants, raves, plugs, some good jokes, some bad jokes, and anything else you can probably think of. For all that, I'm supposed to tell you that the views I express in this are my own, and not that of Peach State Wrestling. Ignore the fact that I'm a paid employee of them, but I digress.
First Steps was live at everyone's favorite fun center, Dixieland Fun Park, which is sadly closed for the season. I really was hoping for a round of mini-golf before the show got underway, but I guess I'll just have to wait until Spring for that to happen. The weather outside was chilly, and things were still wet from all the rain, which wouldn't have been a problem, seeing we were inside, except for two things. One, it took forever for the heat to kick in, so those of us that showed up early to make sure we got our autograph of "The Phoenix" Sorin Webster had to do so with our jackets still on. And two, there was a leak in one of the corner's of the building that left a nice puddle that had to be mopped up prior to the show starting. Thankfully, I wasn't the one doing the mopping, so we were all good there.
The crowd was a pretty good one for a first show. 78 paying customers, which isn't too bad from what I understand.
As mentioned earlier, Tiger Wrestling Nation's "The Phoenix" Sorin Webster was nice enough to come to our show and sign some autographs before the show started. I accidentally said he was their Prestige Champion, but I should have said he was a former Prestige Champion. Apparently, he lost it some time ago. Sorry for any sort of confusion I may have caused. Besides him not being the Prestige Champion, he was a great guest to have on our first show. He interacted great with the fans, and they really responded well to him. I'll be honest with everyone, I didn't know who he was prior to Jody telling me to post the news article that he was coming to our show, so I did my research, and caught his match with DaWildChild on Youtube, and I must say, I'm impressed. I know he lost and all, but I'm wondering how much longer it will be until we see him competing for a NWA Title. Now, if I could only figure out that whole thing with the guy dressed as Obi Wan Kenobi, I'll be ok.
The first match was supposed to be a tag match. Sean Saint and Trenton Williams showed up, each coming down to their own theme music. Apparently they hadn't had time to bond as the next Rock 'n Roll Express yet. The crowd gives Sean Saint the louder of the two pop, but that's probably because he's a semi-local boy out of St. Mary's, while Williams is from New York, and people from New York are almost always disliked initially in Georgia. Anyway, while they waited in the ring, Kidd Kaboom's music hits, and he comes out, showing all the enthusiasm that a twenty-something old should have. However, after that, it gets a little weird. You see, Bong-Moth was supposed to be Kidd Kaboom's partner, but for some reason he didn't show up at the arena tonight. Some phone call about a pre-SuperBowl party or something like that, but the point is Kidd Kaboom was out there by himself.
Referee Matt Reynolds didn't really seem to want a sob story from Kaboom and called for the match to begin, but it instead of the tag match we were expecting, we got a handicap match to start things off. Saint started things off, and he seemed to have the most concern about this being a handicap match. He didn't seem to think it was very fair. Kaboom let him know it was ok, and that was all Saint needed to lock-up with him. Kaboom used his size advantage to get the better of the exchange, starting things off with a hammerlock. Saint counters by a dropdown. He pulls off a somersault and kicks up, catching Kaboom in the face.Saint got back to his feet, and nailed Kaboom with a dropkick. Kaboom fell back into the corner where Trenton is. Trenton holds his hands back like he isn't going to do anything, which surprised some of the fans, used to seeing dirty antics by everyone. Saint rushes Kaboom, leaping up for a monkey flip, but Kaboom grabs ahold of him, slamming him backwards onto the mat.
Kaboom drops down, putting Saint into a headlock, something that you just don't see a whole lot of now a days in professional wrestling. While it's true, nobody will ever win from a headlock, but it's a great move to wear your opponent down, while giving yourself a breather, and Kaboom applied it well...for about 60 seconds, before Saint was able to pull himself up to his feet. After a couple of well placed elbows, he pulled out of the headlock, and ran to the ropes. Kaboom tried to stop him with a clothesline, but Saint easily ducked it. Saint came back with a cross body, but it was like Kaboom almost expected something like that, because he dropped to the mat, and Saint came up empty, hitting the mat. However, he had enough awareness to roll backwards and reach up and tag out to Trenton. Kaboom backs away, allowing Trenton to enter the ring. For those that don't know, Trenton Williams is a second generation wrestler. His father is former DREAM superstar, Travis Williams. Trenton cracked his neck, and looked ready to go. Even though the two are pretty much identical in size and weight, they both have different builds. Kaboom is built for speed, while Trenton is built for power, which is proved when Kaboom rushes Trenton and he just knocks the kid down with one blow. Kaboom falls backwards, and tries to get back to his feet, but Trenton drives a knee hard into his chest, knocking him off his feet, landing on his back. Trenton stomps him, before bending down and pulling him to his feet. He bodyslams him into the center of the ring, before coming down on him with a legdrop. He gets up, lifting Kaboom up, measuring him, before slamming him into the corner. He followed him in, but Kaboom catches him with a boot. He gets to the second rope, coming down with a clothesline, taking Trenton down. Kaboom went for a pinfall, but only got a one count before Trenton kicked out. Kaboom got back to his feet, ran to the ropes, and catches Trenton with a flying forearm. He went for another cover, but barely even got the one count this time.
Kaboom scrambled back to his feet, and rushes Trenton again, but this time, Trenton caught him, slamming him down with not one, but two sidewalk slams, a little move he calls Highway to Hell. Trenton went for the cover, but only got a two count, as Kaboom got his shoulder up at the last second. Trenton rolls off of Kaboom and tags in Saint. Now, a smart tag team would have done some double team stuff, but I guess Trenton wanted to be fair and all, and immediately left the ring. I still say fair play is overrated sometimes, but each to their own.
Saint back into the ring now, as Kaboom tried to get back to his feet. Saint double stomps on Kaboom's back, slamming him into the ground. Saint rushes to the ropes, and springboards off of them with an Asai moonsault, but Kaboom somehow rolls out of the way, and Saint hits nothing but the mat. Both men struggle back to their feet. Saint swings wildly at Kaboom, but he ducked it, and Kaboom twists and nails Saint with a discus punch. Saint went down, but popped right back up, only to be caught with a huge sit-out shoulder jawbreaker. And please note, I didn't know what the name of this move was until I looked it up. Kaboom went for the pin, but fair play or not, Trenton wasn't about to let Kaboom get the win, and stopped the almost certain pinfall, before leaving the ring. Kaboom got back to his feet, and waited for Saint to start to move again. He goes for the ropes, but then his inexperience showed, as he botched a springboard and wound up on the mat, holding his shoulder. Saint crawled to the corner and tagged in Trenton.
Trenton came in, just as Kaboom was getting back to his feet, and wallops him (yes, I said wallops), with a spinning elbow. Kaboom wobbles and almost falls, before Trenton grabs ahold of him and lifts him up into the air with a Gorilla press. He holds him there for several moments before, dropping him face first onto the turnbuckle. Kaboom drops down to both knees, and Trenton backs into the ropes, measures, and nails him in the head with a mafia kick. Kaboom hits the mat, but Trenton lifts him right back up. He said something to the crowd about seeing something good, before lifting Kaboom up and onto his shoulders with a move that I haven't seen in a long while...a torture rack. He holds him there, as Kaboom was in obvious pain, before dropping him, end over end, bringing Kaboom down on his neck with a move he calls the Career Ender. The crowd was in shock for a moment, but then cheered the move, as Kaboom was folded up on himself. Trenton rolls him over and covers, hooking the leg to get the pinfall and the first victory in Peach State Wrestling to himself and Sean Saint. It wouldn't be the last time we saw any of these guys, as they would all appear in the main event to crown the first champion.
The next match saw Havoc get the first down right booing from the crowd. Despite the mask, which usually draws a curiosity pop if nothing else, Havoc was obviously against the crowd as he entered the ring. The Samoan Headhunter Kimba Seanoa (and I just made up that nickname because his finisher is a top rope headbutt...and he does headbutts a lot, that it made sense) got the opposite reaction, as the crowd really seemed to dig him right away. Maybe it's because he's so different than almost any other wrestler in the area. The gorgeous, yet dangerous Angelica Jackson...The Amazon (I didn't make-up that nickname) the most interesting reaction of the night. A lot of people seemed to really like her. It could have been the fact that they were just excited about what she was wearing. Even Matt seemed to take notice of that. But on the flipside there were also a good portion of the crowd who booed her. Maybe they picked up on that vibe that she wasn't 100% happy to be wrestling in Georgia, but regardless of her initial thoughts, I think the fans will grow to like her, because she's impressive in the ring. This match wasn't your typical triple threat or three way dance. This was fought under Georgia Triple Threat rules, meaning two people would wrestle at a time, with one on the outside. They would have to be tagged in in order to get into the match. Winning is the same as any other match. Havoc and Kimba started out first, leaving the Amazon on the outside of the ring waiting for her opportunity to come into the match. Havoc was definitely giving up some size to Kimba, but that didn't stop him from getting right into Kimba's face. He was obviously unimpressed by Kimba's size. He said some things to him and then slapped him across the face. This, in retrospect, was probably not a good idea, as Kimba hammered him with several blows, knocking him back into a neutral corner. He continued to hammer him with rights and lefts, before sending him to the opposite corner. Havoc slams hard into the corner and falls out of it, only to be caught by a vicious clothesline. Havoc was literally spun in mid-air, and he crashed hard onto the mat. Kimba goes to pick him up, and then he hears someone say something over his shoulder. He turned back to The Amazon, who wanted to be tagged in. Kimba looked down at Havoc and then back at Angelica. He shrugged and tagged her in.
The Amazon climbed into the ring, just as Havoc starts to get to his feet. Amazon nailed him with a rising knee, forcing him to his feet, only to grab him around his body, twisting and slamming him to the mat with a belly to belly. Amazon hooks his leg and goes for the pinned. She doesn't get it, as Havoc got a shoulder up. Amazon got right back up, and lifted Havoc to his feet. She throwed him into the corner, and drove a knee into his chest, doubling him over. She pulled him away from the corner, grabbed him around the waist, and lifted him up before slamming him down again with a gut wrench powerbomb. Amazon is about to go for another pin, but then it is her turn to hear something. Kimba wants back in. Amazon repaid the favor from earlier, and tags him in. Kimba climbed into the ring, and waited for Havoc to get back to his feet. He came off the ropes and launched himself at Havoc with an explosive speed. He crashed into him with a shoulder block that sent Havoc to the other side of the ring and into the corner. Havoc dropped out of it. Kimba rushes and jumped into the air, landing on Havoc with a senton splash. Kimba gets up, and picks Havoc up, nailing him with a chop across his chest. Havoc stumbled backwards, and Kimba once again launched himself. Havoc dropped down, grabbing the top rope, and Kimba goes right over the top rope, crashing to the floor below. Havoc dropped to his knees, as Kimba was up on the outside, trying to shake off the impact. Kimba slid back into the ring, but as he stepped toward Havoc, Havoc fell backwards and tagged Angelica, before rolling out of the ring for safety. Angelica looks down at Havoc, before climbing into the ring. The crowd buzzed, as the two powerhouses faced each other for the first time. The two locked up, with Kimba getting the advantage with a headlock. Angelica quickly pushed him off of her into the ropes. Kimba came back with a shoulder block, almost knocking the Amazon off her feet, but she stayed on them some how. She fired back with a right hand, but Kimba, who actually offered Angelica to escort him to the ring earlier this month, obviously had no problem hitting a woman, as he fired one right back at her. Angelica hammered him back, and the two went to blows. Kimba raised a right hand, but Angelica drove a toe kick into his gut, doubling him over. Angelica came down with a double ax handle across the back of his head, and Kimba went down to his knees. Angelica fell back against the ropes and went toward Kimba. Out of nowhere, Kimba caught her, lifted her up, and planted her into the center of the ring with a spinebuster. Kimba covered, but Angelica got a shoulder up. Kimba couldn't believe that didn't put her down. Kimba got back up, and rushed toward the ropes. He leapt up coming down for a diving headbutt, but Angelica rolled to the side, and Kimba hit nothing but the mat.
Kimba shook off the miss, as Angelica got back to her feet. Kimba got to one knee, as Angelica drove a kick into his chest. Kimba fell backwards into the ropes. The Amazon jumped up, slamming both feet into his chest, using the top rope for extra leverage. Angelica stepped away, reached down, and suddenly Havoc tagged himself in. Angelica didn't even see him coming, and she didn't like the fact that he tagged himself in either. Matt told her she had to leave, which she reluctantly did, but she was giving Havoc a really mean look. If looks could kill, Havoc would have been charbroiled, mask and all. Havoc rushed to the otherside of the ring, came off the ropes, and leapt up, slamming both feet into Kimba's chest. Havoc rolled backwards off of Kimba, before getting back to his feet. Havoc grabbed Kimba's foot and dragged him away from the ropes. Havoc went to the turnbuckle and climbed to the top. He had something in mind, because he waited for Kimba to climb back to his feet. Kimba struggled as he got to his feet. Havoc leapt off the top rope, but as he did, Kimba launched himself forward, headfirst, striking Havoc as he came off the top rope. Havoc went down hard. Kimba stood there for a second, before turning, and nailing Angelica. She was knocked off the apron to the floor below, and then Kimba dropped on top of Havoc to get the pinfall victory. Kimba rolled off of Havoc and had his hand raised, while Angelica stared at him from the outside.
Before the main event got underway, there was a brief intermission. It allowed for me to go grab a Pibb and some chips from the vending machine. Also allowed me to talk about the other major sporting event this weekend with a couple of the guys in the crowd. If you ask me, I really don't care who wins. Actually, I'll take that back. I'm hoping that a giant meteor crashes into both buses of the Packers and Steelers, taking them out, forcing the NFL to fly both the Falcons and Saints on the Concord and have them play the Superbowl instead. I know, it's a bit far fetched. Hell, if a meteor did crash into their bus, it would probably be absorbed by Polamalu's hair anyway. I'm just looking for a good game, some great commercials, and a good time. With the Packers and Steelers playing, I have a feeling I'm going to get that good game I'm looking for, but if pressed, my gut is telling me that the Packers are taking this thing, but it's going to be a fight for either team to win this thing.
Now back to the only sporting event that you care about at the moment. As we came out of the intermission, the wonderfully sexy Natalie introduced us to the main event. An over the top battle royal where the last person remaining becomes the first Peach State Champion. It's an honor that nobody will be able to say they are. The bossman, Jody Wilson, came out, holding the title, ready to present it to whoever won this match. The fans gave him a nice pop when he came out, as he's well liked in the community and being the local guy who's been around forever, everyone knew who he was. Then "The Phoenix" Sorin Webster was announced as the special guest ring enforcer. Afterall, Matt needs some help to make sure everyone makes it to the back after they are eliminated, and why not let our special guest have some fun. He got a nice pop as he came to ringside, but then it was time for business as Natalie introduced the superstars one at a time. I was surprised when Luke Lethal was announced as he came out. After he was bumped from the tag match, I figured we wouldn't see him at all, but guess he was here all along afterall. The seven stars stood in the ring, and the match began.
Well, it was good to see Luke Lethal because Kimba Seanoa eliminated him about twenty seconds into the match. Kimba was clearly the favorite in this match. He's the largest start in Peach State at the moment, and was just pure power. After he eliminated Lethal, Kimba turned right into a right hand from Trenton Williams. The two started trading blows back and forth. Angelica Jackson and Sean Saint started off against each other, while Kidd Kaboom and Havoc went after each other. Kimba throws Trenton back into the corner and begins to hammer him with rights and lefts to the midsection, but Trenton fights back, and reversed positions, nailing Kimba with a couple of uppercuts, before grabbing Kimba's head and slamming it into the turnbuckle.
Angelica overpowers Saint, throwing him to the ground. She tried to stomp him, but Saint rolled out of the way, using his speed. He got to his feet, and nailed her with an enziguri kick. Angelica drops to one knee, as Saint got back to his feet. He takes a step back, and then rushes her. She pushed forward, caught him with her shoulder, and back body drops him over the top rope. He somehow managed to land on the apron, but Angelica turned and kicked him straight away in the face, sending him flying off the apron to eliminate him.
Kidd Kaboom and Havoc rush to opposite sides of the ropes before coming back. Kaboom goes for a clothesline, but Havoc ducked it, drove a right hand into Kaboom's gut, doubling him over as he slid past him. Havoc got back to his feet and leapt up, and caught Kaboom with an ax kick to the back of his head. Kaboom went down, and Havoc didn't waste anytime. He grabbed Kaboom by his head and rushed to throw him over the top rope. However, he didn't get the job done. Kaboom hung on, and Havoc didn't even bother to make sure he finished the job. Kaboom pulled himself back into the ring, landing on his feet behind Havoc. Havoc was looking to see who he was going after next, when Kaboom grabbed him from behind, and heaved him over the top rope. The crowd cheered for the elimination as Havoc hit the apron and dropped to the floor. You could tell Havoc was pissed. Not only was he cussing Kaboom, he tried to climb back into the ring, but it was a situation like this that called for our little enforcer. Sorin Webster yanked him off the apron and told him to go to the back. Havoc didn't really think this through, because he shoved Sorin backwards and tried to climb back into the ring. Sorin shook his head, and leapt up after Havoc, wrapping his arms around his waist. Even with the mask, Havoc knew this wasn't going to end up well for him, as Sorin pulled him off backwards, slamming him downward with a German suplex from the apron. The crowd went nuts for it, as Sorin slowly got back to his feet. He bent down, lifted Havoc up, and dragged him to the exit, tossing him to the outside, ending Havoc's night, before going back to his job.
Back in the ring, with the crowd still on fire from Havoc's eliminations, Kimba took Trenton down with a huge headbutt. Kimba drove a kick into Trenton's shoulder as he lay prone in the corner. Then the Amazon got some payback for their match earlier. She came up behind him and turned him around with some force, nailing him with a knee to the stomach. She grabbed him around the head, and lifted him up into a vertical suplex. Despite his size, she had no problem lifting him up, showing her amazing power. She stepped away from the corner and held him into the air for several seconds, letting the blood rush to his head, before falling backwards with a perfect suplex.She got to her feet quickly, as Kimba struggled to his knees. She brought both fists down with a chop across both his shoulders, before grabbing his head and lifting him to his feet. She drives him back into the ropes with a forearm. Another one reddens his chest, but Kimba strikes back with an inside elbow. Angelica took a step back and then nailed him with a hard right hand. Kimba again with a right of his own. Angelica with a right. Kimba a right. They both noticed him at the same time, as they literally stop their brawl at the same time and turn. Trenton Williams came out of nowhere, clubbing them both with a double clothesline. Both wrestlers flipped over the top rope crashing to the floor below, eliminating both stars.
This left two men, Trenton Williams and Kidd Kaboom. The two guys that might have the least amount of experience in Peach State, and they were the final two wrestlers in the battle royal, and one of them would be crowned the first champion. Trenton Williams and Kidd Kaboom started the night out tonight in the handicap match that saw Kaboom lose, but this was completely different. This was for the gold. The two lock-up, jockeying for position, but it is Williams who takes the advantage, getting Kaboom into a headlock, but Kaboom immediately reverses it into a hammerlock, but Williams reverses it into one of his own, shoving Kaboom forward, pushing him into the corner, applying more leverage on that arm. Williams pulls Kaboom away from the corner, only to turn him back around and throw him shoulder first into the turnbuckle. Kaboom drops to one knee, holding his shoulder. Williams grabbed Kaboom again, lifted him off his feet, and slams him back first into the corner, before driving his shoulder into his gut again and again. Trenton stepped away from the corner and Kaboom collapsed out of it. Trenton immediately picked Kaboom up, and dragged him over to the ropes. He pushed him backwards against them, and then pulls him toward him with a short arm clothesline. Kaboom gets nailed and flies backwards, hitting the top rope, and flipping over it.
But he landed on the apron, feet first, holding on to the top rope for dear life. Unlike Havoc though, Trenton didn't turn his back to him. He saw Kaboom land on his feet, and launched himself at him, but Kaboom saw it coming. He ducks down, driving his shoulder into the incoming Trenton. Trenton is doubled over, and Kaboom grabbed the top rope, and flips over it, with a sunset flip, rolling off of his back, landing on his feet. Trenton quickly turned around, as Kaboom leapt up and caught him with a dropkick. Trenton fell backwards, hitting the top rope, and flipping over it. He landed hard on the apron, rolled off of it, but grabbing ahold of the bottom rope, his feet barely being kept from touching the ground. Kaboom slowly got back to his feet, and Trenton pulled himself back up to the apron and a standing position. Their positions reversed, Kaboom rushed toward Trenton, throwing a right hand, but Trenton blocked it, and grabs ahold of Kaboom, pulling him toward him, and lifting him up. He went for a clear suplex, which would have sent him over his shoulder and to the floor, but Kaboom fought out of it, causing Trenton to stumble, nearly falling himself, and Kaboom lands on the apron, both men just one misstep from dropping off the apron. Trenton chopped Kaboom across his chest. Kaboom held onto the top rope, and then fired back with a chop of his own. Trenton held on with one hand, and nailed Kaboom with a right hand. Kaboom almost falls. He hung on by just fingertips. Trenton nailed him again and Kaboom almost falls off again. Kaboom falls forward, leaning over the top rope, and as he did so, he slipped one leg between the ropes. He then looked up and steps forward, grabbing ahold of Trenton.
Trenton begins to reign down blows to Kaboom's back, but Kaboom continued forward, lifting Trenton up. Trenton reaches out, his finger slipping off the top rope, as his feet clear the apron, as Kaboom dropped backwards with Trenton in his grasp. Kaboom's legs were wrapped around the bottom rope, so as both men fall backwards, Kaboom's legs snap him to a stop, as Trenton continued to fall, crashing into the floor. The crowd popped as Kaboom somehow hung, upside down from the ring, his head dragging across the ground.
Kidd Kaboom became the first ever Peach State Champion, and I was surprised that even after the match was over, Trenton nodded toward him, certainly a sign of some respect, but I have a feeling that these two haven't seen the last of each other in that ring.
It was a hell of a first show. We saw Kidd Kaboom come back from a loss in the opening match-up, losing against Trenton Williams and Sean Saint, but in the end, he walked away with the Peach State Championship. The next show is the first of March. The exact details and what the card will be is supposed to come sometime this week, so be on the look-out for that. I can't wait to see who Kidd Kaboom's first challenger will be, and what's next for Peach State Wrestling!