Welcome to the Show
The show focuses at the announce desk as FGA's Kevin Clement and PSW's Jaxson Hunter sit ringside.
Kevin Clement: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome as Peach State Wrestling and Frontier Grappling Arts come together for the very first time and present Collision.
Jaxson Hunter: I am both super excited and super scared all at the same time. Is that normal?
Clement: Did you throw up before the show?
Hunter: Dry heaves mostly.
Clement: I see, then tonight should be interesting.
Hunter: To say the least.
Clement: We've got a huge show for everyone tonight. In the main event, we'll see the FGA Heavyweight Champion, Blaine Harrison, take on the former PSW Champion, Kit Kelsey, in what should be a huge match-up.
Hunter: We'll also see the PSW Tag Team Champions, The Dirty South, take on the top tag team in FGA, The Harvard Connection, in what is a true North versus South battle.
Clement: And in our undercard we'll see Sean Fallon and "The People's Choice" August Joyce and Jared James, a man on the rise once again here in FGA, taking on PSW's newest star, Hawk Boy.
Hunter: Both of those matches should be great and I can't wait to see them.
Clement: And speaking of Jared James, I understand that we have him standing by.
A Word from Jared James
(( Justice Young is standing by backstage. ))
Justice Young: This is Justice Young. And with me right now is Jared James. Jared, your match against Hawk Boy is coming up next. Any last thoughts?
Jared James: It's going to be a battle. We both have speed. We're both high fliers. It's definitely not going to be an easy match. But I'm confidant I can walk away with my hand raised.
Justice: Well, good luck toni-
Jared: Hold on, Justice! I've got something to say. I know tonight is supposed to be all about brand unity and all of that. But I've got a bone to pick. Sean Fallon, who the hell do you think you are? Where do you get off thinking that you can just attack innocent people for the hell of it? I've watched you attack bystander after bystander. And I've had about enough of it! FGA isn't safe with a loose cannon like you around. So I plan on putting a stop to this once and for all! I'm challenging you to a match at Above & Beyond. This has gone on long enough. And it's about time that I finish it! If you're man enough, you'll accept my challenge. Or, you'll do what you'll always do and attack me from behind. It doesn't matter if you accept the match or if I have to drag you out to that ring against your will. I WILL put an end to this at Above & Beyond. The buck stops here!
Hawk Boy versus Jared James
Hawk Boy
Wrestler |
Jared James |
Light Heavyweight
Weight Class |
Light Heavyweight |
Height |
5'10" |
186 lbs |
Weight |
205 lbs |
Buzzard's Bay, MA
Hometown |
Des Moines, Iowa |
2011 |
Pro Debut |
2007 |
Talons of Terror Fly by Night |
Finisher |
I-35 Drive Hawk Drop |
Hed's "Swan Dive" begins to play as Peach State Wrestling's newest superstar, Hawk Boy, makes his debut. The masked luchador makes his way down to the ring, ignoring the fans completely, showing his colors straight out of the gate.
Hunter: This is my first time seeing Hawk Boy, and he's only the second masked wrestler we've had in Peach State.
Clement: How'd the last one do?
Hunter: Well, his name was Bong Moth, and I'm not sure if he even made it to the ring for his first match, which would explain his name.
Natalie Wilson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, representing Peach State Wrestling, from Buzzard's Bay, Massachusetts...weighing 186lbs...HAWK BOY!!!
Hawk Boy climbs into the ring. Despite this being his debut, his confidence is obvious in his stature.
Nero’s "Guilt" starts up as the arena goes dark with a sole light fixated on the curtain. Smoke begins to pour into the venue when, finally, Jared James comes out from the back. As the music continues to blare, Jared James walks down to the ring with a grin spread across his face.
Clement: Speaking of a guy who has confidence, James is coming off a big win over FGA's Micky O'Reilly at our last DVD taping.
Wilson: His opponent, representing Frontier Grappling Arts, from Boston, Massachusetts...weighing 205lbs...JARED JAMES!!!
Hunter: The battle of two guys from Massachusetts.
Clement: James is this close to getting his shot at Blaine Harrison's FGA Championship. He's been climbing that ladder since returning from his injury.
James climbs into the ring, getting a good reaction from the Myrtle Beach crowd. PSW referee, John Empires, is in the ring, motioning for the bell to ring, starting the match.
Clement: Hawk Boy and Jared James move toward the center of the ring and lock-up. James gets the advantage with a headlock.
Hunter: Hawk Boy pulls James back into the ropes and sends him to the otherside.
James rebounds off the ropes, going for a clothesline, but Hawk Boy ducks it, spinning on the ground, and taking James's feet out from under him with a sweep.
Hunter: Hawk Boy just took James down with that quick maneuver.
Clement: James is getting back to his feet.
James gets to his knees, just as Hawk Boy spins around, connecting with a huge roundhouse kick to James's head. The kick is heard through-out the convention center and nearly silences the crowd.
Hunter: Did you see that kick? That was his finisher...the Fly by Night.
Clement: James is down and Hawk Boy is covering him.
1..2..3Hunter: Hawk Boy did it. He came into this arena in his debut and beat one of FGA's top contenders.
Clement: I didn't see that coming at all. James has survived much worse from guys here in FGA, and he just got blindsided by that kick.
Hunter: That's the fun thing about wrestling, anyone can walk into a ring, no matter how the odds are stacked against them, and wind up with their hand raised.
Hawk Boy stands in the center of the ring, with Empires holding his hand in the air in victory, while James rolls over, holding his head. Hawk Boy climbs out of the ring, walking to the back, as Empires checks on James.
Micky O'Reilly Update
(( Justice Young is standing by backstage. ))
Justice Young: This is Justice Young again backstage at the huge Collision event with Peach State Wrestling and Frontier Grappling Arts. I have a bit of unfortunate news to report. Last night, Sean Fallon struck once again. And his target was none other than Micky O'Reilly, the current #1 contender for the FGA Heavyweight Championship. Their "All Violence is Legal" match was supposed to be the end of things between the two. But it may have only been the beginning......
Last Night – Elizabeth, NJAJ continues to raises his arm to the face to cheers from the crowd. But the cheers soon turn to boos as Fallon slides in, runs up from behind and tosses AJ over the top rope and down to the floor.
Grayson: So much for that celebration...
Clement: Oh come on Fallon!
Fallon immediately goes over and puts the boots to Micky's arm, stomping the hell out of it. He then reaches down, picks up Micky, hammerlocks his arm from the side, runs forward and throws him shoulder-first into the ring post. The crowd boos as the loud thud from the crash can be heard throughout the venue.
Clement: Damn him! DAMN HIM!
Fallon then turns Micky around and brings him down with the Chimera. Micky can be heard screaming in pain while Fallon can be heard screaming with anger. The bell repeatedly sounds as Fallon repeatedly tugs back. Senior official Bruce Mitchell tries to pull Fallon off of Micky, but it's to no avail. He then stands up and waves down help. Two more FGA referees run down to the ring as fast as they can. They get in the ring and all three try to pry Fallon off of Micky. But again, it's to no avail. Micky continues to scream in agony while a closeup of Fallon's face can see his eyes wide, his nose flared and his teeth clinched in anger. Just then, Fallon jerks back as a snapping sound can be heard.
Grayson: Oh no....
Clement: …....... Oh my God......
The life gets immediately sucked out of the fans as they look on in shock. Even the three officials take a step back.
Fallon then pushes Micky away from him as he gets up to his feet. He looks down at the damage that he's caused. Micky lays curled up as he clutches his mangled arm. He whimpers as he cringes in pain. A smirk forms across Fallon's face as he slips back through the ropes and falls feet-first to the floor. The crowd responds with tremendous heel heat after processing what they just saw. AJ then rolls back into the ring and looks on from a distance at both Micky and Fallon. Fallon's smirk then transitions into a full smile as he walks past the medical personnel that rush in the opposite direction. Once he reaches the entrance way, he turns around, throws up the deuces and slips back. The crowd responds with tremendous heel heat. Back in the ring, concerned officials look on as the immediate future of Micky O'Reilly remains unknown..........
Young: The injury to Micky's arm has been reported as a fractured humerus. Micky's timetable for a return is currently unknown. But his match with Blaine for the championship at Above & Beyond is officially off. It's a very unfortunate turn of events for Micky. He worked his hardest and went through so much to get this match, only to have it all ripped away from him by the likes of Sean Fallon.
"The People's Choice" August Joyce versus Sean Fallon
Sean Fallon | Wrestler | August Joyce |
Middleweight | Weight Class | Middleweight |
5'9" | Height | 6'1" |
189 lbs | Weight | 221 lbs |
Boston, Massachusetts | Hometown | Vancouver, Canada |
2011 | Pro Debut | 2005 |
Fallon Driver Chimera Shooting Star Press | Finisher | The Qing Ri |
The voice of Samuel L. Jackson blares over the audio system, declaring “And you will know my name is the Lord, when I lay my vengeance upon thee!” The quote is followed by three quick gun blasts before an instrumental version of Dr. Dre's “Still Dre” begin to play. The crowd begins to boo As the bass kicks in, some fans clap or slap the barricades in rhythm. The song rolls for a few moments before Sean Fallon emerges from behind the curtain, tossing his hands up into the air as he bursts onto the entrance ramp, carrying a steel chair. The crowd responds with tremendous heel heat. Fallon, attired in his black leather jacket, bandana and dog tags, makes his way to the ring.
Cruz: The following contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, representing Frontier Grappling Arts. From West Glocsbury, Massachusetts.... Weighing in at 189 pounds... SEAN FALLON!
He shrugs away from the out-stretched arms of the fans along the ring and begins a slow pacing around the outside of the ring. Fallon hops up onto the apron, pausing to glare out toward the crowd and the hard camera. The crowd continues to rain boos down upon him. Finally, he scales the nearest turnbuckle, again glaring out at the audience in attendance before hopping off the top turnbuckle into the ring.
Clement: Out comes Sean Fallon, arguably the most bitter and miserable man in all of Frontier Grappling Arts and Peach State Wrestling. He will not be happy until that FGA Heavyweight Championship is around his waist.
Hunter: I've seen his list of victims and it seems to grow by the week. But one name that will not join that list is August Joyce, I think.
Clement: For his sake, it better not. But one name that did join that list was Micky O'Reilly, who was viciously attacked last night by Fallon. And as you just heard from Justice Young moments ago, Micky is now out of the championship match for Above & Beyond. It's truly a shame, especially after everything he went through to get the #1 contendership.
"Ok, Time For Plan B" by Enter Shikari begins to play and out comes "The People's Choice" August Joyce. The crowd cheers as Joyce comes down to the ring with a serious look on his face.
Cruz: And his opponent, representing Peach State Wrestling. From Vancouver, Canada, weighing in at 220 pounds. He is "The People's Choice", AUGUST JOYCE!
Clement: Here comes "The People's Choice" August Joyce! Joyce, a former PSW Tag Champion, is looking to stop the evil ways of Sean Fallon. But that's much easier said that done.
Hunter: From what I've heard, Fallon is, well, let's just say he's not one of the nicest guys around. But if anyone can do it, it's August Joyce. The man currently has an entire company, Fox Industries, looking to take him down. And if Joyce refuses to back down from them, then I doubt he'll back down from Fallon.
Joyce climbs the turnbuckles and raises his hands to the crowd. The bell sounds as Fallon rushes across the ring and shoves Joyce, sending him over the top rope and down to the floor. The crowd boos.
Hunter: Aw, that wasn't fair!
Clement: It definitely wasn't! That damn Sean Fallon has struck again! He's like a damn snake!
As Joyce cringes in pain on the outside, Fallon steps through the ropes, jumps off the apron and delivers a stomp to Joyce's chest. The crowd boos. Fallon picks up Joyce, only to rake him across the eyes. The crowd boos as Fallon delivers a knee strike to the midsection, followed by a snake eyes across the edge of the apron. Joyce falls and lands back on the floor. The crowd continues to boo as Fallon puts the boots to Joyce.
Hunter: Has he always been like this? Has he always been this... mean?
Clement: Calling Sean Fallon "mean" would be an understatement. The man has a massive chip on his shoulder and thinks the world should be handed to him on a silver platter. But since it wasn't and because he feels "slighted" by FGA officials, he's been on an absolutely rampage. He broke the arms of both Baby Bling and Damien Spears. He ran Johnny Brave out of FGA. Matt Shields was never the same after Fallon's attack. And Micky is now out indefinitely thanks to Fallon.
Hunter: Geez, and I thought Palpatine was evil.
After choking Joyce with his boot, Fallon picks him up and whips him hard into the barricade. Joyce can be seen cringing in pain upon impact. After lining him up in his sights, Fallon charges forward and nails Joyce in the face with the Fallon Kick, sending him over the barricade and into the crowd. The crowd boos as Fallon looks at them with the utmost disgust and contempt.
Hunter: Is this man ever happy?
Clement: He's happy when he's inflicted as much pain as humanly possible upon his opponents. That's just the type of sick freak that he is.
Hunter: Well, August Joyce has certainly had his problems with Kevin Fox and Fox Industries as of late. And Fox has offered $1,000 to Fallon if he hurts Joyce. And I hate to say it, but if he keeps this up, Fallon's pockets will be a little bit heavier.
Fallon then reaches over the barricade and pulls Joyce up. He then grabs the back of Joyce's neck with both hands and then kneels down on one knee, choking Joyce across the top of the barricade to boos from the crowd. After about five seconds, Fallon lets go. He gets up, looks down at Joyce and smirks. Joyce, meanwhile, can be heard gasping for air. Fallon then grabs a hold of Joyce and tries to suplex him over the barricade. But Joyce blocks the move. So Fallon goes for another suplex but again, Joyce blocks it. After three quick punches to the ribs, Joyce grabs Fallon and suplexes him over the barricade and onto the concrete floor. The crowd cheers as Fallon arches his back in pain.
Hunter: Alright August!
Joyce then picks up Fallon and nails him with a right hand to the face, sending him stumbling throughout the crowd. Joyce follows him through the seas people, turns him around and delivers a knife-edge chop that garners a 'WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" from the crowd. Joyce goes back over to Fallon, turns him around and nails him with a right hand across the chin, sending Fallon stumbling against the barricade. Joyce then runs forward and sends him over the barricade with a clothesline. The crowd cheers.
Clement: August Joyce has not let up on Fallon for a bit.
Hunter: And can you blame him? If I were jumped from behind, I'd be P.O.'d, too.
Joyce then picks up Fallon, slams his head against the apron and shoves him back into the ring. Joyce rolls himself back in. Joyce picks him up, brings him into the corner and slams Fallon's head into the top turnbuckle. The crowd cheers. After turning Fallon around, Joyce unleashes a series of left hands to the midsection, followed by a headbutt that rocks Fallon. Joyce then takes Fallon and whips him into the opposite corner. He then runs into the corner and connects with a clothesline. The crowd cheers. Joyce then grabs Fallon by the wrist, leads him from out of the corner, wrings his arm and then knocks him down with a short-arm clothesline. He makes the cover.
1..2..Fallon gets his shoulder up.
Hunter: After that suplex over the barricade, August Joyce has been in total control of this match. Wherever Kevin Fox is, I bet he's not happy seeing this.
Clement: He's probably fuming right now. This is such a change of pace sense it's always been Fallon dominating the action. But Joyce is sending a clear message to Fallon here tonight.
Joyce picks up Fallon and shoves him back into the corner. Joyce approaches and connects with a series of rights and lefts to the head. Fallon tries to cover up, but most of the blows still connect. After a knee strike to the midsection, Joyce takes Fallon and whips him into the opposite corner. Fallon charges into the corner and connects with a step-up knee strike to the chin. The crowd cheers. Joyce then hops down, grabs Fallon and goes for a bulldog. But Fallon shoves him off of him and into the ropes. When Joyce comes back, he goes for a clothesline. But Fallon ducks. Joyce continues to run into the ropes. When Joyce comes back, Fallon knocks him down with Fallonator.
Hunter: Wow, what move was that?
Clement: It was a hell of a spinning kick by Fallon. And it may have just changed the entire tide of this match. He goes for the cover......
1..2..Joyce kicks out.
Fallon picks him up and rattles off four snapping jabs, followed by a roaring elbow that dazes Joyce.
Hunter: I could hear that from here.
Clement: Fallon is brutal with not just his submissions but with his limbs as well.
Hunter: I wonder if Kevin Fox hands out payments for missing teeth?
While Joyce is stunned, Fallon nails him with a spinning back kick to the midsection, doubling him over. Fallon then runs into the ropes. When he comes back, he plants Joyce with a swinging DDT. The crowd boos as he makes the cover.
1..2..Joyce gets his shoulder up.
Clement: Sean Fallon believes that FGA Championship should be his. And until he does, he's going to take out everyone in his path until he gets the championship match that he feels is rightfully his.
Hunter: He's done bad things to a lot of people. But August Joyce won't stand for Fallon's actions. He won't stand for the actions of Fox Industries. And just like he's thwarted the plans of Kevin Fox thus far, he'll try to do the same to Fallon here.
After nailing Joyce with a stiff forearm strike to the face, Fallon takes Joyce and whips him into the corner. He then runs into the corner and goes for another Fallon Kick. But this time, Joyce catches his foot.
Clement: Uh oh.
The crowd cheers as Joyce shoves Fallon back. As Fallon rolls up to his feet, Joyce runs from out of the corner and goes for a clothesline. But Fallon ducks and runs into the ropes. When Fallon comes back, Joyce grabs him, lifts him up, turns and throws him down with a spinebuster.
Clement: What impact on that spinebuster!
Hunter: Did you see the way his head bounced up off the canvas?
Clement: But wait, it doesn't look like he's done....
Joyce then picks up Fallon, hoists him up across his shoulder and then plants him with the Canadian Backbreaker Piledriver. Cheers and applause can be heard throughout the crowd. Joyce turns him over and makes the cover.
1..2..Fallon gets his shoulder up.
Clement: What?
Hunter: I don't believe it. I thought.... I thought that was it.
The crowd boos as Fallon barely beats out the three count. But Joyce isn't done yet. He picks up Fallon, kicks him in the midsection, grabs his wrists, hoists him up across his shoulder and then throws him down with the The Qing Ri. The crowd cheers as Joyce turns him over and makes the cover.
Cruz: Here is your winner, AUGUST JOYCE!
"Ok, Time For Plan B" by Enter Shikari plays as August Joyce gets his hand raised to cheers from the crowd.
Hunter: August Joyce picks up Peach State's second win tonight with a victory over Sean Fallon.
Clement: Fallon has made a living off of bullying people in FGA. Well tonight, he was on the receiving end. And I highly doubt that it felt good with the shoe being on the other foot.
Hunter: I bet it didn't. And you want to know what doesn't feel good right now? Being Kevin Fox. Boy, he must be having a nuclear meltdown wherever he is.
Telling the Truth
(( Justice Young is standing by backstage. ))
Justice Young: This is Justice Young again backstage at Collision. And with me right now are Chandler Scott and Preston Blake, The Harvard Connection. Gentlemen, your match against The Dirty South is coming up next. Any last words?
Preston Blake: No final words, Justice. We've said all that needs to be said. We're better than them in every facet. We're stronger than them. We're mentally superior. We are the total package. Once it's all said and done, two HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARVARD men will walk out with their hands raised. And the only thing that could cap off this evening even better than a Harvard Connection win... would be seeing Blaine Harrison go down in flames against Kit Kelsey.
Justice: Pardon me for a second, but tonight it's supposed to be Peach State versus Frontier. What are you guys doing?
Chandler Scott: We're telling the truth, that's what. You honestly think we care about Jared James or Sean Fallon? Well I've got a newsflash for you. We don't! And as far as Blaine Harrison is concerned, not only is he a coward, but he's a liar as well. He wants to go out there, bare the flag and represent Frontier Grappling Arts. Well last time I checked, he worked for Peach State, too. Last I checked, he was there long before he showed up here. But now, since the whole "hero" routine fits his M.O., he wants to be Mr. FGA.
Preston: What a load of crap!
Chandler: Mr. FGA means never backing down from a challenge. Being Mr. FGA means taking on all comers. Being Mr. FGA, Justice, means never ducking and dodging true challengers for your championship. And being Mr. FGA means never hiding behind management because you're incapable of doing the job yourself. Blaine Harrison, that weak, fraudulent champion, fills none of the criteria above. Instead of saying "Metal Heart", that shirt should say "No Heart" since that's exactly what he has! Jared comes and goes as he pleases. Tomkins had to bow out because he got a little boo boo on his head. You're looking at the two longest tenured wrestlers on the FGA roster, and don't you forget it! We are FGA. We are everything that this company stands for.
You will Respect us because we're better than you. We Achieve material goods that people like you and the rest of these hicks in South Carolina will never obtain in your worthless lives. And we will continue to Ascend to the top while you all struggle to tread water. Unlike a certain paper champion, I don't need 20 pounds of gold to be called a champion. My record speaks for itself. And it says that Chandler Scott is the best... that he is the uncrowned FGA Heavyweight Champion.... and that The Dirty South, Blaine Harrison and anyone else who tries to defy us will meet their untimely demise. Anything less would be.... uncivilized!
The Dirty South versus The Harvard Connection
The Dirty South | Team | The Harvard Connection |
365 lbs | Combined Weight | 473 lbs |
2012 | Pro Debut | 2008 |
None | Finisher | High Honors |
"Here for the Party" by Gretchen Wilson blasts over the PA as The Dirty South steps through the curtain to cheers from the crowd. Johnny Royal takes one side of the aisle while Dixie takes the other. The tag champs make their way around ringside, slapping hands with the luck fans in the front row. After making their rounds, the duo, enters the ring, heads into opposite corners, climbs up onto the middle turnbuckle and raises their PSW Tag Team Titles to cheers from the crowd.
Cruz: The following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, representing Peach State Wrestling... Coming in at a combined weight of 365 pounds. They are currently the reigning PSW Tag Team Champions. They are the team of Dixie Leigh and Johnny Royal, THE DIRTY SOUTH!
Hunter: The Dirty South have been the Tag Team Champions since Spring Fever when they defeated the team of Blaine Harrison and Mr. Krinkle.
Clement: I've kept my eye on these two and they are definitely one hell of a team. But The Harvard Connection can never be counted out.
Hunter: They truly can't. I've heard some stories about those guys. Totally untrustworthy, those two. Very sneaky. Very devious. They're like Tusken Raiders in the way that they attack.
Clement: Tusken who?
Hunter: Star Wars reference. I'll lend you some of the DVDs after the show.
Clement: Oh, why thank you.
The classic beginning notes of "Ride of the Valkyries" plays over the PA as the fans in attendance know who are about to grace them with their presence. Out through the curtain steps the Harvard Connection, along with Madison Stewart, to boos from the crowd. Chandler and Preston raise their arms in the air to continued boos. After being dissatisfied with the reaction they're getting, they make their way towards the ring. As they come down the aisle, they raise their index fingers in the air, letting everyone know who is truly number one.
Cruz: And their opponents, being led to the ring by Madison Stewart... Representing Frontier Grappling Arts... coming in at a combined weight of 473 pounds. They are the team of Preston Blake and Chandler Scott, THE HARVARD CONNECTION!
Chandler hops up onto the apron while Preston walks up the steps. After Preston wipes his feet off on the apron, the duo step into the ring. Chandler heads in one corner while Preston heads into the opposite one. Chandler climbs up onto the second turnbuckle. He stretches his arms out and tilts his head back. A big smile comes across his face as he closes his eyes, basking in his glory. On the other side of the ring, Preston climbs up onto the second turnbuckle and scans the crowd, looking down at the people below him in disgust.
Clement: The Harvard Connection, full of bravado as always. They're looking to make a big statement in this match right now. Of course, Chandler made a huge statement of his own two weeks ago with that non-title win over Blaine Harrison.
Hunter: I was lucky enough to get an advanced copy of the dvd for that show. Chandler is definitely a good wrestler. But for him to say that Blaine purposely ducked him is a bit of a stretch. I've seen Blaine down in Peach State for nearly a year now. And Blaine Harrison is the farthest thing from a coward.
Clement: Oh I agree. Chandler, and The Harvard Connection as a whole, love to throw out all types of rude and harsh comments towards their opponents. But The Dirty South is fixing to humble the two of them.
The bell sounds as Chandler and Preston start things off. The two men circle the ring. After inching closer to each other, they lock up. After jockeying for position, Royal places Chandler in a side headlock to cheers from the crowd. The ref asks Chandler if he wants to give up. Chandler responds by shoving Royal off of him and into the ropes. When Royal comes back, Chandler knocks him down with a shoulderblock. The crowd boos as Chandler flexes before running into the ropes. Royal gets back up to his feet. When Chandler comes back, Royal leap frogs over him. Chandler continues to run into the ropes. When Chandler comes back, Royal throws him down with a hip toss. The crowd cheers. Chandler gets back up, but Royal throws him down with an arm drag. The crowd cheers. As Chandlers gets up, Royal runs over and brings him down to the mat with a double leg takedown. He then mounts himself on top of Chandler and hammers away with lefts and rights to the head. Chandler tries to cover up, but the blows still connect.
Hunter: Johnny Royal is really giving it to Chandler, wouldn't you say?
Clement: He definitely is. Royal has a bit of an MMA style. So you know he's more than comfortable taking things to the mat and he's proving it right now.
Royal then gets up from off of Chandler and delivers a stomp to the chest. He then turns to the crowd and plays up to them, waving his hands up and down to get the crowd fired up. The crowd cheers. But the cheers turn to boos as Chandler gets on his knees, scurries over to his corner and tags in Preston Blake.
Hunter: I take it Chandler has had enough?
Clement: The Harvard Connection is known for talking loud, only to run away from a fight when it doesn't benefit them.
Preston gets in the ring. After he and Royal circle the ring. They go to lock up. But Preston pulls away at the last second. He then points over at Dixie Leigh. The crowd boos.
Hunter: This guy can't be serious.
Clement: Believe me, he's very serious.
Royal stands there with his hands on his hips, pissed and disappointed with Preston's actions. But Preston won't back down. He insists on Royal tagging in Dixie. Royal then looks over at Dixie, who is jumping up and down and is dying to be tagged in. After a shrug of the shoulders, Royal heads over into the corner and tags in Dixie Leigh. The crowd cheers as Dixie gets in the ring. Preston smirks as he motions for her to bring it. After sizing Preston up, Dixie makes her way over to him and locks up. After jockeying for position, Preston quickly shoves her down to the canvas. The crowd boos as Preston points at Dixie and chuckles. Dixie gets from off of her knees and tells Preston to bring it. After circling the ring. The two lock up again. After jockeying for position, Dixie quickly places Preston in a side headlock. But he quickly picks her up and delivers a belly to back suplex. The crowd boos as Preston gets up and flexes in front on Dixie. Dixie just shakes her head in disgust.
Hunter: This Preston guy is something else, huh?
Clement: He's something else, alright. He's real proud of himself because he's stronger than a woman. Yeah, big tough guy he is.
Dixie gets up and circles the ring. The two inch closer to each other and go to lock up. But Dixie ducks the collar and elbow tie up and grabs Preston from behind with a waist lock. Preston quickly reaches down, slips one of his arms in between Dixie's and counters with an arm wringer. The crowd boos. Preston takes her by the wrist and delivers another arm wringer. Dixie cringes in pain as the crowd boos. But the boos soon turn to cheers as Dixie rolls forward, leans back, kips up and counters with an arm wringer of her own. The crowd cheers. Preston takes her by the wrist and counters with an arm wringer. But Dixie quickly does the same to cheers from the crowd. After another arm wringer by her, she brings Preston into the corner. After climbing up onto the top turnbuckle, Dixie walks along the ropes, leaps off and delivers a chop to Preston's arm, knocking him down to cheers from the crowd. Dixie pushes him over and makes the cover.
1..2..Preston kicks out.
Dixie picks him up and places him in a side headlock. But he quickly shoves Dixie off of him and into the ropes. When Dixie comes back, Preston goes for a clothesline. But Dixie ducks and runs into the ropes. When she comes back, she delivers a tilt-a-whirl headscissors takedown. The crowd cheers. As Preston gets up, Dixie runs over and connects with a dropkick, knocking him through the ropes and to the floor. Dixie then gets up and points to the outside. The crowd cheers. So Dixie runs into the ropes. As her back hits the ropes, Chandler moves over and knees her in the back. The crowd boos. But the boos turn to cheers as Dixie turns around and pops Chandler right in the mouth with a right hand.
Clement: Alright, Dixie!
Hunter: She may not look like it, but Dixie packs one hell of a punch.
As Preston gets up on the outside, Dixie runs towards the ropes and goes for a baseball slide. But Preston moves out of the way. After Dixie lands on her feet, Preston goes for a running clothesline. Dixie ducks, but Royal runs along the apron and nails Preston with a swift kick to the face that knocks him down. The crowd cheers. Dixie then climbs back up onto the apron. As Preston gets up and turns around, Dixie runs off the apron and connects with a flying front dropkick, knocking Preston down to cheers from the crowd.
Clement: What a dropkick by Dixie! The Dirty South has got this crowd riled up!
Hunter: They’ve really taken control of this match and seem to have taken The Harvard Connection by surprise.
Dixie then picks up Preston and rolls him into the ring. After climbing back up onto the apron, she grabs a hold of the top rope with both hands and delivers a somersault leg drop. The crowd cheers as she turns over and makes the cover.
1..2..Preston gets his foot on the bottom rope. The crowd boos.
Clement: Good ring presence there by Preston.
Hunter: You do have to know where you're at at all times.
Dixie then picks up Preston, brings him into her corner and slams his head into the top turnbuckle. She then turns him around and tags in Royal. The crowd cheers as Royal gets back into the ring. He delivers a series of knife-edge chops that echo throughout the arena. He then tags Dixie back in. Dixie gets in the ring and unleashes a series of knife-edge chops of her own to cheers from the crowd. Dixie tags Royal back in. Once Royal gets in, The Dirty South stomps Preston down into the corner to cheers from the crowd.
Hunter Some quick tags here by The Dirty South, Kevin.
Clement: They're trying to stay as fresh as possible. They're showing why they are the top team in Peach State.
After Dixie heads to the outside, Royal reaches down, pulls up Preston and nails him with a series of shoulder thrusts to the midsection. While Preston is doubled over, Royal grabs him by the back of the neck with both hands and nails him with a series of Muay Thai knee strikes to the face. One knee strikes sends Preston tumbling to the canvas. Royal quickly drops down, turns him over and makes the cover.
1..2..Preston gets his shoulder up.
Hunter: Those knees to Preston's face really seemed to have knocked him silly.
Clement: Royal is known for that bit of MMA in his arsenal. And he showed it once again.
Royal then picks up Preston and whips him into the ropes. Chandler quickly makes the blind tag. When Preston comes back, he slides through Royal's legs. When Royal turns around, Chandler knocks him down with a clothesline to the back of the neck. The crowd boos.
Hunter: The Harvard Connection showing their sneaky side once again by using the blind tag.
After delivering a series of stomps to the back of the neck, Chandler picks up Royal and whips him into the ropes. When Royal comes back, Chandler knocks him down with a back elbow to the face. He then runs into the ropes. When Chandler comes back, he connects with a jumping knee drop. The crowd boos as he makes the cover.
1..2..Royal kicks out. Annoyed, Chandler hooks the leg and makes the cover again.
1..2..Royal kicks out. Annoyed, Chandler picks up Royal and throws him down with a scoop slam. He makes the cover again.
1..2..Royal kicks out. Frustrated, Chandler slaps the canvas and throws up three fingers to FGA senior official Bruce Mitchell. But the ref shakes his head at Chandler and tells him that it was only a two count.
Clement: Chandler now growing visibly frustrated with his inability to keep Royal down.
Hunter: He's going to have to try much harder than that to keep Royal down.
Chandler then picks up Royal and whips him into the ropes. When Royal comes back, Chandler bends over to set up a back body drop. But Royal stomps and counters with a kick square to the face. The crowd cheers. While Chandler is dazed, Royal quickly reaches back and tags in Dixie. Once Dixie hops in through the ropes, she runs at Chandler and goes for a clothesline. Chandler ducks, sending Dixie into the ropes. When Dixie comes back, she goes for a cross body block. But Chandler catches her in mid air to boos from the crowd. After walking around the ring with her, Chandler delivers a rib breaker. He makes the cover.
1..2..Dixie gets her shoulder up.
Preston can be seen placing his foot across the top turnbuckle. Chandler sees this, so he grabs Dixie, runs into the corner and slams her headagainst the sole of his boot. The crowd boos. Chandler then tags out to Preston. After Preston gets back in, he turns Dixie around in the corner and delivers a series of knife-edge chops to boos from the crowd. After a series of shoulder thrusts to the midsection, he then takes Dixie, places her in a side headlock and rakes her eyes along the top rope, sending her stumbling into the adjacent corner. The crowd boos. Preston goes back over and tags Chandler back in. Once Chandler gets in, he sizes Dixie up before running into the corner and nailing her with a running European Uppercut.
Clement: My god what impact on that uppercut!
Hunter: I'm surprised a fan in the front row doesn't have a souvenir right now.
He then takes Dixie and whips her into the opposite corner. Chandler charges into the corner, but Dixie nails him with a boot to the face sending him stumbling back. Chandler shakes off the blow and runs right back into the corner. But he eats another boot from Dixie that sends him stumbling back. The crowd cheers. After shaking off the blow, Chandler runs into the corner and goes for a jumping body splash. But Dixie dives out of the way as Chandler collides head-first with the top turnbuckle.
Hunter: And nobody's home!
Clement: This is her opening.
The crowd cheers. As Chandler stumbles back, Dixie steps through the ropes and climbs the turnbuckles. Once she reaches the top, she leaps off, going for a missile dropkick. But Chandler moves out of the way and swats her down. The crowd boos as Dixie can be seen holding the back of her head in pain. As she slowly rolls over and tries to get up from off of all fours, Chandler runs over and nails her with a Knee Trembler to the side of the head. The crowd boos as he rolls her over and makes the cover.
1..2..Dixie gets her shoulder up.
Chandler then picks her up, snapmares her over and delivers a stiff kick to the back. The thud from the blow can be heard throughout the venue. Meanwhile, Dixie moans as she arches her back in pain. Chandler goes over and tags Preston back in. Once Preston's in, The Harvard Connection picks up Dixie and whips her into the ropes. When she comes back, Chandler scoops her up from the side. Preston then jumps up and brings her down as The Harvard Connection delivers a backdrop suplex/neckbreaker combination. The crowd boos as Preston makes the cover.
1..2..Dixie gets her shoulder up.
Clement: Dixie has been absolutely manhandled for the past several minutes.
Hunter: But she won't stay down. She won't quit. She may look smaller than the average wrestler, but she's got one of the biggest hearts.
Preston goes over and tags Chandler back in. Chandler gets in and whips Dixie into the ropes. When she comes back, Chandler knocks her down with a Textbook Dropkick. The crowd boos. He makes the cover.
1..2..Dixie gets her shoulder up. The crowd cheers.
But the cheers turn to boos as Chandler sits her up and applies a sleeper hold. The ref asks Dixie if she wants to give up. But Dixie refuses to quit. So Chandler cinches in the hold, squeezing as tight as he can. After a few, the ref checks again and asks Dixie if she wants to give up. No answer. The ref asks her again if she wants to give up. Again, no answer.
Hunter: Oh no. This doesn't look good.
Clement: No it doesn't. She may be out of it. This match may be just a couple seconds from being over.
The ref raises her arm. It falls down. The crowd boos. The ref raises her arm for a second time. It falls again. The crowd boos. Preston and Madison can be seen smiling while Chandler has a sinister grin on his face. The ref then raises her arm for a third time. It starts to fall, then shoots right back up. The crowd cheers.
Hunter: Alright!
The shock on Chandler's face is priceless. Preston has his hands on his head in disbelief as Madison shakes her head, trying to convince herself that this isn't happening. Royal can be seen slapping the top turnbuckle. The crowd then stomps their feet in unison. Dixie can be seen slowly shaking her arm, clearly feeding off the energy from the crowd.
Clement: They thought it was over and done with. But Dixie Leigh still has some life left in her!
She slowly turns over onto her knees. After she few, she slowly gets up to her feet. Meanwhile, Chandler shakes his head in disbelief. Dixie then delivers five elbows to the midsection. The fifth elbow breaks the hold. She then runs into the ropes. When she comes back, Chandler goes for a clothesline. But Dixie ducks and runs into the ropes. When she comes back, Chandler throws the Harvard Hammer. But again, Dixie ducks and runs into the ropes. When she comes back, she knocks Chandler down with a spinning heel kick.
Hunter: They're both down, Kevin!
With both wrestlers down, the ref starts his count.
Chandler is the first to slowly sit up. After shaking off the effects from the kick, he slowly turns over and begins to crawl towards his corner. Meanwhile, Dixie pushes herself up on all fours and begins to scratch and claw her way into the corner. Chandler reaches up and tags Preston back in. The crowd boos.
Clement: Oh boy...
Hunter: Can she make the tag.
Preston smirks as he slowly stalks Dixie. As Dixie is just about to make the tag, Preston quickly goes down and snatches up her ankle. He then pulls her up on one leg and taunts her to boos from the crowd. But the boos turn to cheers once Dixie nails him with an enziguiri that turns him inside out.
Clement: Did you hear that!?
Hunter: I think I saw a couple of teeth flying!
Dixie then gets up, rolls over, leaps up and tags in Royal. The crowd cheers as Royal gets in the ring.
Clement: Oh here we go!
A wide-eyed Preston slowly gets up to his feet and begs and pleads with Royal. But Royal is having absolutely none of it. After realizing that he backed himself up in the corner, Preston runs towards Royal. But Royal ducks and sends him flying with a back body drop. The crowd cheers. Preston gets up, but Royal knocks him down with a running clothesline. The crowd cheers. Preston gets back up, only to get knocked back down by another running clothesline. The crowd cheers. Royal then picks him up and whips him into the ropes. When Preston comes back, Royal throws him down with a powerslam. The crowd cheers as he hooks the leg.
1..2..Chandler breaks up the pin with a kneeling double ax handle smash to the back. The crowd boos.
The crowd continues to boo as Chandler puts the boots to Royal. But the boos turn to cheers as Dixie gets in, turns Chandler around and lights him up with a series of right hands that send him stumbling back. Dixie then runs into the ropes. When she comes back, she charges forward, dives and connects with a cross body block, sending both her and Chandler tumbling over the top rope and to the floor. The crowd cheers.
Hunter: This match is insane, Kevin. Dixie just sent herself and Chandler falling over the top rope.
Clement: These two teams are not holding anything back. Could you imagine if the belts were actually on the line?
As Royal gets back up to his feet, Madison climbs up onto the apron, garnering both Royal's attention and the ref's. The crowd boos.
Clement: Not this again.
Hunter: What is she doing?
Clement: What she always does: sticking her nose in business that it doesn't belong.
After luring Royal into the trap, Preston runs up from behind and knocks him down with a flying knee strike to the back of the neck, knocking Royal down. Madison climbs back to the floor as the crowd boos. Preston then picks up Royal and goes for an irish whip, but Royal reverses, sending Preston into the ropes. When Preston comes back, Royal lifts him up and delivers an inverted atomic drop. The crowd cheers. Royal then runs into the ropes. When he comes back, he spears Preston down to cheers from the crowd. He then gets up, lifts up Preston's legs, wraps his arms around Preston's legs and leans back, catapulting Preston into the corner. The crowd cheers. As a dazed Preston turns around, Royal runs into the corner and connects with a dropkick. The crowd cheers. Royal then picks up Preston, brings him back into the corner and hoists himself up onto the middle turnbuckle. He then grabs a hold of Preston, spins out and plants him with the Royal Flush. The crowd cheers. Royal turns over and makes the cover.
Cruz: Here are your winners, Dixie Leigh and Johnny Royal.... THE DIRTY SOUTH!
"Walk" by the Foo Fighters blasts over the PA as Dixie rolls back into the ring. The ref then raises Royal's arm in victory to cheers from the crowd. He then goes to grab the PSW Tag Titles as Royal goes over and helps up his partner. After they congratulate each other, the ref hands them their titles. The Dirty South then raises the PSW Tag Team Titles in the air as cheers and applause can be heard throughout the crowd.
Hunter: They did it! Dixie and Johnny beat The Harvard Connection!
Clement: They most certainly did. I know we're supposed to remain unbiased. But I am very proud of The Dirty South and am glad that they gave The Harvard Connection exactly what they had coming to them. But, that's three wins in a row for Peach State Wrestling.
Hunter: Can Kit Kelsey make it four? I am by no means a fan of Kit Kelsey and I think the fans of both Peach State and Frontier would hate to see that cheat walk away with another victory, especially over someone the likes of Blaine Harrison.
Kansas's Carry On My Wayward Son plays and out comes Peach State Wrestling's owner Jody Wilson. The crowd gives him a decent reaction as he makes his way out to the ring.
Hunter: I'll be honest, Kevin, I knew he was going to come out tonight, but I didn't realize this was him.
Clement: Why not?
Hunter: Because he's never used entrance music in Peach State before, so it threw me off.
Clement: So why is the owner of Peach State coming out here?
Hunter: Well, that I don't know, but if I had a guess, it probably has something to do with the fact that we are without a champion at the moment, so he probably wants to address that.
Clement: That'd be a very good reason to address the crowd then. What the hell happened with all of that? I mean, a week after your new champion wins the championship, he ups and quits.
Hunter: I don't have a clue. I'd like to say this stuff happens in professional wrestling, but it does seem to happen to us quite a bit. Trent Williams, Tara Michaels, Griffin Hawkins, and now Nick King. It's a world gone mad.
Wilson climbs into the ring, being handed a mic. He looks pleased with the large crowd on hand.
Wilson: I'd like to thank everyone in coming out here tonight and watching this great group of talent wrestle tonight. Frontier Grappling Arts is a great organization, and I'm honored that Mr. Summers asked us to be a part of this show, as it is now the biggest stage we have ever performed on, and we do it without a champion. As owner of Peach State, it is an embarrassment that our planned Champion versus Champion main event could not go on as planned. However--
"Thunderstruck" by AC/DC hit the speakers and Kit Kelsey appears from behind the entrance curtain. The PSW star is wearing a wide smile and a pair of black tights with blue lightning bolts running down each side. To call the response mixed would be generous; a few cheers and a chant of 'P-S-W' are scattered amongst the chorus of jeers and catcalls. Kit pays little attention to the reaction, nor to the sets of hands reaching out from either side of the aisle he now travels. Instead, it's his own palms he slaps, rubbing them together in a show of anticipation.
Clement: The former Peach State Champion is making his way down to the ring. Over the past month he has been very vocal about Mr. Wilson and feeling that the loss of the title was a conspiracy against him.
Hunter: Kelsey viciously attacked a friend of mine from behind ending his last chance of an in ring career, and when his sins came back to bite him in the ass, he wants to cry foul.
Climbing the ring steps, Kit calls for a microphone, pausing just long enough for a staff member to fulfill his request. Once inside the ring he looks around the disapproving audience, soaking in their abuse with a smug smile. Waiting for the crowd to quiet down, he gives a glance at the PSW title belt now resting on Jody's shoulder and raises his mic.
Kit Kelsey: I just wanna say, I know this wasn't easy... for me, mostly. In the last month, I've shown the patience of a saint. I've had my integrity questioned, my reputation tarnished, but I'll carry on. More importantly, I'll forgive you, Jody, for taking so long to correct a gross miscarriage of justice. That said, admitting my match at 'No Resolutions' was a farce is a good first step.
The crowd boos while Kit simply flashes another artificial grin. He continues in a tone that sounds rehearsed and blatantly insincere.
Kit Kelsey: And I forgive all of you, the Peach State Wrestling fans. I forgive the roster that doubted me. What the hell, I'm even gonna forgive Matt Reynolds. We all make mistakes, afterall. Heck, I'm sure I've made some, too... I just can't think of any right now. What's critical is that we fix these errors. Y'know, they say weary is the head that wears the crown, but frankly, I'm feeling reenergized already. Now that I'm PSW champion again--
Jody Wilson: You aren't champion again.
And just like that, Jody does what a jeering crowd couldn't and mercifully stops Kit mid sentence. The fans pops in approval.
Jody Wilson: Not yet at least. But you'll have the same chance as every other, because at next month's show, we will hold a one night tournament to crown a new Peach State Champion!
Kit continues to smile but this time it's through gritted teeth. Soon, no pearly whites can hide his mounting annoyance as Jody continues.
Jody Wilson: Good luck tonight!
Kit drops his microphone to the canvas. It isn't that he has nothing more to say, but that he clearly feels there's better uses for his hands: one pointing and the other balling into a fist. He thinks better of using the latter, but jabs a finger as he barks at an exiting Jody Wilson. The seething ex-champion shakes his head, pulling the tope rope taunt in a vice like grip and sending the bottom one into a wild tremble with a well-placed kick. He is no doubt wondering how things could get any worse... and then, for him, they do.
MAIN EVENTKit Kelsey versus "Metal Heart" Blaine Harrison
Blaine Harrison |
Wrestler |
Kit Kelsey |
Light Heavyweight |
Weight Class |
Light Heavyweight |
6'1" |
Height |
5'11" |
216 lbs |
Weight |
189 lbs |
Akron, Ohio |
Hometown |
Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia |
2006 |
Pro Debut |
2008 |
Metal Heart Suplex Don't Hold Back |
Finisher |
None |
Let's See Action" by The Who starts playing throughout the arena until Roger Daltrey's vocal booms forth as Blaine Harrison appears at the top of the aisle. Blaine poses with his right fist raised to the skies. Three seconds later and he's making his way down the aisle, slapping hands with the adoring fans before sliding in under the bottom rope; Blaine then raises the FGA Championship belt in the air.
Hunter: Just like in Peach State, the fans absolutely love Blaine Harrison.
Clement: And Kit Kelsey looks unimpressed at our champion.
Hunter: Well, Kelsey has already beaten Blaine once, but that was before. This is a whole different match-up here. Kit's changed, Blaine has changed. This is a completely different dynamic to the match.
Clement: You can see it on Blaine's face. There's anger there. You can tell here's here to play.
Natalie Wilson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is your MAIN EVENT! Representing Peach State Wrestling, weighing 189lbs and hails from the Gold Coast in Queensland, Australia. He is KIT KELSEY!
Despite the mixed reaction at the beginning, the crowd now all boos him.
Wilson: His opponent, representing Frontier Grappling Arts, weighing 216lbs. He is from Akron, Ohio. He is the reigning FGA Heavyweight Champion...this is "Metal Heart" BLAINE HARRISON!
The crowd goes crazy over Harrison, who shows his appreciation for them, but then turns back to Kelsey. Both have an all business look on their face. The referee for the contest is John Empires and Kelsey eyes him cautiously.
Clement: You can tell that Kelsey has severe misgivings about Empires being the referee of this match.
Hunter: Well, he didn't attack this one from behind, and knowing Empires the way I do, if he wanted to hurt Kelsey, he wouldn't do it from behind. He'd get right in his face and knock him out.
The bell rings and the match starts. Blaine and Kelsey circle each other, before they go in, locking up. Blaine quickly gets the advantage, using the slight size difference to his advantage. Blaine gets the headlock and quickly turns it into a hammerlock, stretching Kit's arm behind his back.
Clement: Kit fires off an elbow into Blaine's face, forcing him off.
Hunter: Kelsey turns pushing Blaine back into the ropes and sending him to the otherside.
Clement: Kit catches him and takes Blaine down with an arm drag takedown.
Kelsey gets back to his feet and smirks at Blaine, who holds his arm from a kneeling position as he gets back to his feet. Blaine shakes out his arm. Blaine isn't happy about Kelsey getting the quick advantage on him.
Clement: The two lock-up again, and once again Blaine gets the advantage with a headlock.
Hunter: But this time, he takes Kelsey down with a headlock takedown.
Clement: Kelsey quickly grabs Blaine with his legs pulling him away with a head scissors.
Blaine quickly turns himself around, pulling his head from Kelsey's legs. He lifts Kelsey's legs up, going for what looks like a Boston Crab or a monkey flip, but Kelsey wrenches his legs, spinning Blaine to the mat. Kelsey gets back to his feet, as Blaine pulls himself off the mat, and Kelsey drives a kick straight into Blaine's chest, knocking him backwards.
Clement: Oh, the respect they had is definitely out the window in this match now.
Blaine holds his chest in pain from the kick, and Kelsey doesn't give him a chance to catch his breath. He drives another kick into him, this time into Blaine's shoulder, knocking him over. Kelsey bends down, grabbing Blaine's arm, before twisting and dropping down on it, slamming it into the mat.
Hunter: That was an impressive arm breaker by Kelsey there.
Clement: I thought you didn't like him.
Hunter: I don't like him, but I can separate the man from the skill.
Clement: It's a good talent to have. Think you can talk to Grayson for me.
Hunter: That's why I work alone.
Kelsey has Blaine up and pushes him into the corner, driving a chop across his chest. He whips Blaine to the otherside. Blaine slams into the corner hard, and Kit comes in full steam. Blaine spins out of the corner, but Kelsey was expecting it, and leaps up to the second rope. Blaine turns, as Kit leaps out of the corner, turning for a splash, but Blaine catches him in mid-move.
Clement: Blaine caught him in mid-air...and...monster belly to belly suplex!
Hunter: What a way to reverse Kelsey's move out of the corner!
Clement: Blaine is going for the cover.
Hunter: But Kelsey kicks out.
Blaine gets back to his feet, immediately picking Kelsey up. He hammers him with an inside elbow moving him to the center of the ring, before hitting him with a toe kick, doubling Kelsey over. Blaine grabs ahold of him and takes him up and over with a snap suplex, but he doesn't let go. He pulls him to his feet again and delivers another suplex, still holding onto him, and lifts him up one more time.
Hunter: Shades of Eddie Guerrero with that move right there.
Clement: And the fans are eating it up, as Blaine goes for the pin again.
1..2..Clement: Kelsey kicks out, and Blaine shows signs of frustration.
Hunter: Blaine back to his feet and he's lifting Kelsey up.
Clement: Oh! Kelsey just raked Blaine across his eyes.
Blaine stumbles backwards while Empires warns Kelsey. Kelsey struggles to get his breath back as Blaine tries to get his sight back. Kelsey makes the first move, driving a forearm across Blaine's chest. He delivers another one and another one, and Blaine drops to one knee, but as soon as he does so, he stands right back up swinging wildly, nearly taking Kit's head off with one punch, but he misses the punch and spins around.
Hunter: Kelsey grabs Blaine from behind, lifts him up, and brings him down with a back drop.
Clement: And now it's Kelsey's turn to go for the cover.
Hunter: He kicks out, but Kelsey doesn't let him catch his breath again. He pounds him with some elbows before getting back to his feet.
Clement: Kelsey pulls Blaine up, lifting him off his feet...and...Michonoku Driver in the center of the ring.
Hunter: He has Blaine pinned.
1..2..Clement: Blaine with a shoulder up, just barely beating the three count.
It's Kelsey's turn to show frustration at the count, eyeing Empires, but Empires isn't intimidated at all. Kelsey gets back to his feet, and drops downward with a knee drop into Blaine's side. Blaine rolls away, holding his side, but Kelsey follows him, dropping another knee into his side.
Hunter: I'm seeing a much more methodical Kelsey here than I've seen in the past.
Clement: What do you mean?
Hunter: Previously, Kelsey would hit move after move until one of them pinned his opponent, but now, he's not just going for the big moves, he's trying to wear down his opponent piece by piece.
Clement: Going after the arm early on, and now, the back and side.
Hunter: Exactly.
Kelsey stands up and then kicks Blaine straight in his lower back hard. Blaine lets out a cry of pain from the kick, as Kelsey drives another one into the same place. Blaine tries to crawl away from Kelsey, but Kelsey stops him, pulling him up to his feet with a handful of hair. Blaine tries to push him away, but Kelsey just brushes it off. He says something to Blaine, but it can't be heard, before lifting him up and bringing him straight down onto his knee with a backbreaker.
Clement: Punishing move right there from Kelsey.
Hunter: And the pain on Blaine's face is evident.
Kelsey stands over Blaine, opting not to go for a pinfall yet, and once again lifts Blaine up. He picks him up again, and then turns, grabbing his head and bringing him down with an inverted headlock backbreaker across his own back. Blaine drops back to the map, the only thing moving is his foot kicking up and down.
Hunter: This has got to be torture for Blaine, as Kelsey picks apart his back.
Kelsey looks down at Blaine again, and this time, drops a knee straight into Blaine's back, and grabs his head and neck, wrenching it as far back as it will go, causing Blaine to let out another yelp as pain rips through his neck and back.
Clement: Has Kelsey ever gone for a submission before?
Hunter: Not in his time with Peach State. And it's a good one too.
Clement: Agreed, knee into the already worked over back causing along with the torquing of the neck. I'm not sure how much Blaine can take from this move.
Blaine stretches out his arms, trying to pull himself toward the ropes, and actually manages to make it a few inches, before Kelsey lets go of his neck for a moment, readjusting, grabbing one of Blaine's free arms, and locking his head and neck into some kind of cobra clutch type move, and wretches back on his neck again, leaving Blaine little leverage to make his way to the ropes.
Hunter: Oh my god, he just made it that much worse, now tweaking at the shoulder and elbow with the addition of the cobra clutch.
Kelsey pulls back even harder, as Blaine stretches out with his hand toward the opposite ropes, which he is no where close to. Kelsey shakes his head, letting everyone know that he's not going to let go.
Clement: Wait...look at Blaine's feet! He's got them in the ropes.
Hunter: Empires sees them. He's telling Kelsey to let go.
Clement: Brilliant move by Blaine. While Kelsey was worried about him getting into the ropes with his hands, he pulled him back just far enough to where he could reach the ropes with his feet, which is just as good.
Kelsey stares at Empires, refusing to let go of his modified submission move.
Kelsey finally lets go, not wanting a disqualification. He looks frustrated as he gets back to his feet. He looks down, mumbling to himself. He drives a stomp straight into Blaine's back, before bending down and yanking him to his feet. He slaps Blaine across the face, and Blaine falls backward against the ropes.
Hunter: The ropes are the only thing keeping Blaine on his feet now.
Clement: Kelsey hammers him with a forearm, and now he whips him to the otherside.
Hunter: Blaine off the ropes...he ducks the clothesline!
Clement: Kelsey turns around!
Hunter: Blaine with a step-up knee strike right into Kelsey's head.
Kelsey is rocked as he stumbles backwards from the knee strike. Blaine lands back on his feet, trying to maintain his balance. Both men are wobbly. Kelsey holds his head from the blow, and then swings hard with a wild punch, but Blaine blocks it cold and fires back with a huge right hand of his own. Kelsey stumbles backwards. Blaine fires another right and a left. Kelsey stumbles again, but comes back with a quick thumb to Blaine's eye. Blaine stumbles backwards, holding his head, as Kelsey rushes him.
Clement: Blaine was ready for it. He just nailed Kelsey with a kick to his gut.
Hunter: He's got Kelsey...he's got him off his feet. Suplex...
Clement: Not just any suplex! He slingshot him off the ropes...Metal Heart Suplex...
Hunter: He just drove Kelsey's head into the ground with his modified brainbuster.
Clement: He's covering!
"Let's See Action" by The Who begins to play once again, as Blaine gets to his knees holding his arms up in the air, while Kelsey rolls out of the ring, dropping to the floor, holding his head. Empires raises Blaine's hand as Blaine gets back to his feet, before dropping back against the ropes, keeping himself upright. He holds his back, still in pain, and looks across the ring at the floor, as Kit Kelsey stares right back at him.
Hunter: I don't think this one is over between these two.
Clement: With the way these two faced each other, I would think that could be a good thing, but I have a feeling this thing is just going to grow and grow, and with your championship tournament at your next show, I can't imagine what is going to happen.
Hunter: It's going to be huge. Well, Kevin, I've had a great time working with you.
Clement: Same here. We'll have to do it again sometime.
Hunter: Well, if I have anything to say on the matter, we will most definitely do this again.
The show comes to an end with Kelsey making his way to the back, holding his head, staring back up in the ring, as Blaine continues to raise his hand in victory.